ludohenin / gulp-inline-ng2-template

Gulp plugin to inline HTML and CSS into Angular 2 component decorators
MIT License
126 stars 26 forks source link


Inline Angular2 HTML and CSS files into JavaScript ES5/ES6 and TypeScript files (and possibly more - not tested).

Build Status npm

This plugin uses the ES6 template strings syntax by default (which requires the use of a transpiler -typescript, babel, traceur- to produce valid ES5 files) but you can opt-in for ES5 one.

Very convenient to unit test your component or bundle your components/application (avoid extra HTTP request and keeps your source clean).

By aggressively inlining templates, component library authors can ensure that their library is compatible with all deployment methods (SystemJS, Webpack, etc.) and avoid problems associated with setting Component.moduleId on published components.




npm install gulp-inline-ng2-template --save-dev



You can pass a configuration object to the plugin.

defaults = {
  base: '/',                  // Angular2 application base folder
  target: 'es6',              // Can swap to es5
  indent: 2,                  // Indentation (spaces)
  useRelativePaths: false,    // Use components relative assset paths
  removeLineBreaks: false,    // Content will be included as one line
  removeModuleId: false,      // Remove the `moduleId` key from component definition after inlining styles
  templateExtension: '.html', // Update according to your file extension
  templateFunction: false,    // If using a function instead of a string for `templateUrl`, pass a reference to that function here
  templateProcessor: function (path, ext, file, callback) {/* ... */},
  styleProcessor: function (path, ext, file, callback) {/* ... */},
  customFilePath: function(ext, file) {/* ... */},
  supportNonExistentFiles: false // If html or css file do not exist just return empty content

Processors configuration

 *  Processor function call signature and type return
 * @Param{String}   file path
 * @Param{String}   file extension (type)
 * @Param{String}   file content
 * @Param{Function} callback function (err, result) => void
 * @Return{void}
function processor(path, ext, file, cb) {
  // async implementation of your source files processing goes here ...
  cb(null, file);

Processor Examples

Minify template file before inlining them

import inlineTemplate from 'gulp-inline-ng2-template';
import htmlMinifier from 'html-minifier';

const pluginOptions = {
  base: mySrcPath,
  templateProcessor: minifyTemplate

function minifyTemplate(path, ext, file, cb) {
  try {
    var minifiedFile = htmlMinifier.minify(file, {
      collapseWhitespace: true,
      caseSensitive: true,
      removeComments: true,
      removeRedundantAttributes: true
    cb(null, minifiedFile);
  catch (err) {

Credit @lcrodriguez

Template function

Inside your component: templateUrl: templateFunc('app.html')

 *  Template function call signature and type return
 * @Param{String}   filename
 * @Return{String}  returned filename
templateFunction: function (filename) {
  // ...
  return newFilename;

CustomFilePath configuration

 *  Custom function name call signature and type return
 * @Param{String}   file extension (type)
 * @Param{String}   file path
 * @Return{String}  returned file path updated
function customFilePath(ext, file) {
  return file;

Example usage

var inlineNg2Template = require('gulp-inline-ng2-template');

var result = gulp.src('./app/**/*.ts')
  .pipe(inlineNg2Template({ base: '/app' }))

return result.js

Browserify transform example

Example transform function to use with Browserify.

// ng2inlinetransform.js
var ng2TemplateParser = require('gulp-inline-ng2-template/parser');
var through = require('through2');
var options = {target: 'es5'};

function (file) {
  return through(function (buf, enc, next){
    ng2TemplateParser({contents: buf, path: file}, options)((err, result) => {
// gulp task
return browserify('main.ts', {} )
  .plugin(require('tsify'), {target: 'es5'})

Thanks to @zsedem

How it works


  Hello {{ world }}


.hello {
  color: red;


import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
@Component({ selector: 'app' })
  templateUrl: './app.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.css'],
  directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES]
class AppCmp {}

result (app.ts)

import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';
@Component({ selector: 'app' })
  template: `
      Hello {{ world }}
  styles: [`
    .hello {
      color: red;
  directives: [CORE_DIRECTIVES]
class AppCmp {}


git clone
cd gulp-inline-ng2-template
npm install
npm run test-dev



