lugnitdgp / GSoC_Slack-Clone

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Slack Clone

Tech Stacks Used

Features Overview


Homepage Features

  1. Todo List

    • Create, view, and delete personal todo lists.
  2. Google Calendar Integration

    • Authenticate with Google to manage events in the primary Google Calendar linked to the user's account.
  3. Direct Messaging

    • Initiate and manage conversations, share text and images (up to 50MB).
  4. Channel Management

    • Create channels, add/remove admins, assign/delete tasks to channel members and assign task to any member of the channel also, direct message members,channel deletion.
    • Role-based access (Admin, Member).
  5. Search Functionality

    • Search for channels and users(with whom conversation is started) within the Slack Clone.
  6. Responsive Design

    • User interface adapts to different screen sizes for optimal user experience.

Setup Instructions

Setting Up Supabase

Follow these steps to create a Supabase account, set up a new project, and obtain your project URL and API key.

Step 1: Create a Supabase Account

  1. Go to Supabase.
  2. Click on Sign Up and enter your details to create a new account.
  3. Once signed in, click on New Project to start setting up a project.

Step 2: Set Up a New Project

  1. Choose a name for your project and select the region closest to you.
  2. For the database password, enter a strong password (you'll need this to access your database, so keep it safe).
  3. Click Create New Project. Supabase will take a few moments to set up your project.

Step 3: Access the Project Settings for URL and Key

  1. Once your project is created, go to the Settings tab on the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on API in the Settings menu. Here, you'll see:
    • URL: This is the unique URL for your Supabase project.
    • anon key: This is your public API key for accessing the Supabase API.

Environment Variables

Database Tables

  1. user_data: Disable the RLS and Enable the Realtime

    Name Type Default value Extra options
    id uuid NULL - primary
    updated_at timestamp NULL Is Nullable
    username text NULL Is Nullable
    avatar_url text NULL Is Nullable
    email text NULL Is Nullable
    phone text NULL Is Nullable
    hashed_password text NULL Is Nullable
    • Purpose: Stores user information including username, avatar URL, email, phone number, and hashed password.

    • Foreign keys

      schema auth
      table users
      public.user_data id
      auth.users id
      Action if updated No action
      Action if removed Cascade


      • The above tables are the manual explanations for creating the user_data tables use the below code in the SQL EDITOR for Handling the triggers
        -- Create the user_data table
        create table user_data (
        id uuid references auth.users on delete cascade not null primary key,
        updated_at timestamp with time zone,
        username text,
        avatar_url text,
        email text,
        phone text,
        hashed_password text

    -- Trigger function for new user sign-up create function public.handle_new_user() returns trigger set search_path = '' as $$ begin insert into public.user_data (id, username, avatar_url, email, phone) values (, new.raw_user_meta_data->>'username', new.raw_user_meta_data->>'avatar_url',, new.raw_user_meta_data->>'phone' ); return new; end; $$ language plpgsql security definer;

-- Trigger for user sign-up create trigger on_auth_user_created after insert on auth.users for each row execute procedure public.handle_new_user();

2. **direct_messages**:  Disable the `RLS` and Enable the `Realtime`

   | Name         | Type        | Default Value       | Extra options                    |
   | `id`         | `uuid`      | `gen_random_uuid()` | `primary`                        |
   | `created_at` | `timestamp` | `now()`             |                 -                |
   | `dm_chats`   | `json`      | NULL                | `Is Nullable`  `define as Array` |

  > No `foreign keys` needed

   - **Purpose**: Stores contact information related to direct messaging.

3. **chats_dm**:  Disable the `RLS` and Enable the `Realtime`

   | Name         | Type        | Default Value | Extra options                    |
   | `id`         | `text`      | NULL          | `primary`                        |
   | `created_at` | `timestamp` | `now()`       |                 -                |
   | `messages`   | `jsonb`     | NULL          | `Is Nullable`  `define as Array` |

  > No `foreign keys` needed

   - **Purpose**: Stores direct messages between users.

4. **channels_messages**:  Disable the `RLS` and Enable the `Realtime`

     | Name              | Type        | Default Value       | Extra options                    |
     | `channel_id`      | `uuid`      | `gen_random_uuid()` | `primary`                        |
     | `created_at`      | `timestamp` | `now()`             |                 -                |
     | `messages`        | `json`      | NULL                | `Is Nullable`  `define as Array` |
     | `channel_name`    | `text`      | NULL                |                 -                |
     | `channel_members` | `json`      | NULL                | `Is Nullable`  `define as Array` |

  > No `foreign keys` needed

   - **Purpose**: Stores messages and metadata for channels.

5. **channels_list**:  Disable the `RLS` and Enable the `Realtime`

   | Name         | Type        | Default Value | Extra options                    |
   | `id`         | `uuid`      | `auth.uid()`  | `primary`                        |
   | `created_at` | `timestamp` | `now()`       |                 -                |
   | `messages`   | `json`      | NULL          | `Is Nullable`  `define as Array` |

   > No `foreign keys` needed

   - **Purpose**: Lists channels that a user is a member of.

6. **Todo_list**:  Disable the `RLS` and Enable the `Realtime`

  | Name         | Type        | Default Value       | Extra options                    |
  | `id`         | `uuid`      | `gen_random_uuid()` | `primary`                        |
  | `created_at` | `timestamp` | `now()`             |                 -                |
  | `todo_list`  | `json`      | NULL                | `Is Nullable`  `define as Array` |

 > No `foreign keys` needed

   - **Purpose**: Stores user-specific todo lists.

7. **Mails_sent**:  Disable the `RLS` and Enable the `Realtime`

  | Name         | Type        | Default Value       | Extra options |
  | `task_id`    | `uuid`      | `gen_random_uuid()` | `primary`     |
  | `created_at` | `timestamp` | `now()`             |       -       |
  | `last_sent`  | `text`      | NULL                | `Is Nullable` |
  | `t_f`        | `bool`      | NULL                | `Is Nullable` |

 > No `foreign keys` needed

   - **Purpose**: Tracks emails sent as reminders for tasks.

8. **Channels_todolist**:  Disable the `RLS` and Enable the `Realtime`

   | Name         | Type        | Default Value       | Extra options                    |
   | `id`         | `uuid`      | `gen_random_uuid()` | `primary`                        |
   | `created_at` | `timestamp` | `now()`             |                 -                |
   | `todo_list`  | `json`      | NULL                | `Is Nullable`  `Define as Array` |

 > No `foreign keys` needed

   - **Purpose**: Stores tasks assigned to everyone in a channel.

### Storage bucket
1. Go to the Storage section and click on `new bucket`.
2. Name the bucket as `photos`, enable the `Public bucket`, and save it.
3. Under the configuration section, Click on `policies`.
4. Other Policies under storage.objects, Create a `New policy` as `For full customisation`.
5. Give the Policy name and `All` for allowed operation, keep the Target roles as default.
6. Provide `true` or `1` for `USING expression` and `With CHECK expression`.