luheng / lsgn

Labeled Span Graph Networks
Apache License 2.0
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Labeled Span Graph Network (Under Construction)

This repository contains code and models for replicating results from the following publication:

Part of the codebase is extended from e2e-coref.


Getting Started

Setting up for ELMo (in progress)

Making Predictions with Pretrained Models

[["John", "told", "Pat", "to", "stop", "the", "robot", "immediately", "."], ["Pat", "refused", "."]]

The following json object

"predicted_srl": [[1, 0, 0, "ARG0"], [1, 2, 2, "ARG2"], [1, 3, 7, "ARG1"], [4, 2, 2, "ARG0"], [4, 5, 6, "ARG1"], [4, 7, 7, "ARGM-TMP"], [10, 9, 9, "ARG0"]]

contains SRL predictions for the two sentences, formatted as [predicate_position, argument_span_start, argument_end, role_label]. The token ids are counted starting 0 from the beginning of the document (instead of the beginning of each sentence).

CoNLL Data

For replicating results on CoNLL-2005 and CoNLL-2012 datasets, please follow the steps below.


The data is provided by: CoNLL-2005 Shared Task, but the original words are from the Penn Treebank dataset, which is not publicly available. If you have the PTB corpus, you can run:
./scripts/ /path/to/ptb/


You have to follow the instructions below to get CoNLL-2012 data CoNLL-2012, this would result in a directory called /path/to/conll-formatted-ontonotes-5.0. Run:
./scripts/ /path/to/conll-formatted-ontonotes-5.0

Training Instructions

Other Quirks