luigifab / human-theme

The old Ubuntu Human theme for GTK 2.24, 3.24, 4.12 (Mate).
GNU General Public License v3.0
52 stars 7 forks source link
arch-linux-package debian-packages fedora-packages gtk2-theme gtk3-theme gtk4-theme mageia-packages mate-desktop mxlinux-packages open-source opensuse-packages rtl ubuntu-packages

Human theme

This theme works with: GTK 2.24 (with murrine), GTK 3.24, and GTK 4.12.

It is mainly intended for Mate and Xfce desktop environments.


GTK 2.24 (Pango 1.51)\ Preview with GTK 2 - Main window Preview with GTK 2 - Orange variation - Main window Preview with GTK 2 - Blue variation - Main window Preview with GTK 2 - Green variation - Main window\ Preview with GTK 2 - Menu Preview with GTK 2 - Orange variation - Menu Preview with GTK 2 - Blue variation - Menu Preview with GTK 2 - Green variation - Menu

GTK 2.24 RTL (Pango 1.51)\ Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Main window Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Orange variation - Main window Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Blue variation - Main window Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Green variation - Main window\ Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Menu Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Orange variation - Menu Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Blue variation - Menu Preview with GTK 2 - RTL - Green variation - Menu

GTK 3.24 (Pango 1.51)\ Preview with GTK 3 - Main window Preview with GTK 3 - Orange variation - Main window Preview with GTK 3 - Blue variation - Main window Preview with GTK 3 - Green variation - Main window\ Preview with GTK 3 - Menu Preview with GTK 3 - Orange variation - Menu Preview with GTK 3 - Blue variation - Menu Preview with GTK 3 - Green variation - Menu

GTK 3.24 RTL (Pango 1.51)\ Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Main window Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Orange variation - Main window Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Blue variation - Main window Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Green variation - Main window\ Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Menu Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Orange variation - Menu Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Blue variation - Menu Preview with GTK 3 - RTL - Green variation - Menu

GTK 4.12 (Pango 1.51)\ Preview with GTK 4 - Main window Preview with GTK 4 - Orange variation - Main window Preview with GTK 4 - Blue variation - Main window Preview with GTK 4 - Green variation - Main window\ Preview with GTK 4 - Menu Preview with GTK 4 - Orange variation - Menu Preview with GTK 4 - Blue variation - Menu Preview with GTK 4 - Green variation - Menu

GTK 4.12 RTL (Pango 1.51)\ Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Main window Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Orange variation - Main window Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Blue variation - Main window Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Green variation - Main window\ Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Menu Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Orange variation - Menu Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Blue variation - Menu Preview with GTK 4 - RTL - Green variation - Menu

Program used for the screenshots is available here.


🆕 Before start 🆕

To meet the truth (this is not required):

For Debian Testing, I provide a repository for gtk3-classic.

If you can't/won't, no worries, but the truth will be far.

Installation for Debian, Ubuntu, Trisquel, Linux Mint, MX Linux

Installation for Fedora

Installation for openSUSE

Installation for Mageia

Alternative installation for Debian, Ubuntu, Trisquel, Linux Mint, MX Linux

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:luigifab/packages sudo apt update sudo apt install human-theme-gtk


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys FFE5BD439356DF7D echo "deb focal main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt update sudo apt install human-theme-gtk


sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/luigifab.gpg echo "deb focal main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt update sudo apt install human-theme-gtk

sha256sum /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/luigifab.gpg


apt-key list

/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/luigifab.gpg pub rsa4096 2020-10-31 [SC] 458B 0C46 D024 FD8C B8BC 99CD FFE5 BD43 9356 DF7D

* Restart your session

#### Manual installation for Debian, Ubuntu, Trisquel, Linux Mint, MX Linux

* Download archive and extract subdirectories in `~/.themes/`
* Configure font rendering, GTK and QT, add in `/etc/environment`:


* Install icons and cursors themes: `sudo apt install gnome-icon-theme dmz-cursor-theme`
* Install package for GTK 2 apps: `sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine`
* Install package for QT 5 apps: `sudo apt install qt5-gtk2-platformtheme qt5-gtk-platformtheme`
* Restart your session

#### Manual installation for Fedora

* Download archive and extract subdirectories in `~/.themes/`
* Configure font rendering, GTK and QT, add in `/etc/environment`:


* Install icons and cursors themes: `sudo dnf install mate-icon-theme dmz-cursor-themes`
* Install package for GTK 2 apps: `sudo dnf install gtk-murrine-engine`
* Restart your session

#### Manual installation for openSUSE

* Download archive and extract subdirectories in `~/.themes/`
* Configure font rendering, GTK and QT, add in `/etc/environment`:


* Install icons and cursors themes: `sudo zypper install gnome-icon-theme dmz-cursor-themes`
* Install package for GTK 2 apps: `sudo zypper install gtk2-engine-murrine`
* Install package for QT 5 apps: `sudo zypper install libqt5-qtstyleplugins-platformtheme-gtk2 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3`
* Install package for QT 6 apps: `sudo zypper install qt6-platformtheme-gtk3`
* Restart your session

#### Manual installation for Mageia

* Download archive and extract subdirectories in `~/.themes/`
* Configure font rendering, GTK and QT, add in `/etc/environment`:


* Install icons themes: `sudo urpmi mate-icon-theme`
* Restart your session

## Configuration

For **Mate** desktop:
* Go to: *System / Preferences / Appearance*, or run: `mate-appearance-properties`
* Then select the *Human* theme
* Go to: *System / Preferences / Windows*, or run: `mate-window-properties`
* Then disable software compositing from last tab

For **Xfce** desktop:
* Go to: *Applications / Settings / Appearance*, or run: `xfce4-appearance-settings`
* Then select the *Human* theme
* Go to: *Applications / Settings / Window Manager*, or run: `xfwm4-settings`
* Then select the *Human* theme

Fonts used:
* *DejaVu Sans Book* or *Sans Regular*, 10
* *DejaVu Sans Bold* or *Sans Bold*, 10
* *DejaVu Sans Mono Book* or *Monospace Regular*, 10

Icons used:
* *gnome* or *mate*

Cursors used:
* *DMZ white*

## Customize

Use the file *~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css*.

## Firefox/Thunderbird/Chromium

For Firefox and Thunderbird and Chromium, if font rendering is bad, try this:

cd /etc/fonts/conf.d/
sudo rm 10-hinting-slight.conf # /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-hinting-slight.conf
sudo ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-hinting-full.conf

For classic menu bar and menu items of Firefox 46+ and Thunderbird 46+, see bug 1622545.


Run AWF with screenshot on theme reload:

awf-gtk2 -n -s ~/2.png
awf-gtk3 -n -s ~/3.png
awf-gtk4 -n -s ~/4.png

Run Entr to send SIGHUP signal when files change to reload theme:

ls ~/.themes/human-theme*/gtk-2*/gtkrc | entr killall -s SIGHUP awf-gtk2
ls ~/.themes/human-theme*/gtk-3*/*.css | entr killall -s SIGHUP awf-gtk3
ls ~/.themes/human-theme*/gtk-4*/*.css | entr killall -s SIGHUP awf-gtk4

Run ImageMagick to create the diff image:

killall -q eom
rm -f ~/diff3.png
compare -fuzz 1% -compose src -highlight-color blue -lowlight-color none ~/2.png ~/3.png ~/diff3.png
composite ~/diff3.png ~/2.png ~/diff3.png
eom ~/diff3.png &

Run to update SVG images. See also technical informations.


This theme is provided under the terms of the GNU GPLv3+ license.\ If you like, take some of your time to improve some translations, go to

Packages in official distros repositories

Packages status


GTK 2 theme (CC-BY-SA-3.0+)

GTK 3 theme (GNU GPLv3+)

Metacity theme (clearlooks, GNU LGPLv2.1+)