luisdias / CakePHP-Report-Manager-Plugin

CakePHP 2.x Report Manager Plugin
MIT License
42 stars 22 forks source link

Report Manager Plugin for CakePHP 2.x

The report manager plugin can help users to create reports based on the application's models.

Changelog for version 0.4.6

Changelog for version

Changelog for version 0.4.5

Changelog for version 0.4.4

Changelog for version 0.4.3

Changelog for version 0.4.2

Changelog for version 0.4

Changelog for version 0.3


  1. Download the plugin from github or sourceforge

  1. Extract the zip file on the app/Plugin folder ( the plugin folder must be named ReportManager )

  2. Add the following line to your bootstrap.php file ( located at app/Config folder )

CakePlugin::load('ReportManager',array('bootstrap' => true));  

Since Cake 2.2.x it is important to add:

Configure::write('Dispatcher.filters', array(  

More info at:

  1. Go to the url http://mycakeapp/report_manager/reports to see the main page listing all models

Using the plugin

The wizard interface is self explanatory.

  1. On the first tab you can select the fields and their position

  2. On the second tab you can define a filter

  3. On the third tab you can select up to two fields to sort

  4. On the last tab you can enter a name for your report and choose between 5 style options


Some parameters could be configured in the app/Plugin/ReportManager/Config/bootstrap.php


It was inspired by the Report Creator Component by Gene Kelly from Nov 9th 2006.

It also uses a Jquery plugin called SmartWizard by Tech Laboratory.

Since version 0.3 the Report Manager Plugin load the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries from Google

Suman (USA)
Santana (Brazil)
Tamer Solieman (Egypt)
Tony George (Singapore)
Marduk netors (Mexico)

Luis E. S. Dias