luisiacc / gruvbox-baby

Gruvbox theme for neovim with full πŸŽ„TreeSitter support.
MIT License
390 stars 28 forks source link
awesome awesome-neovim gruvbox gruvbox-color-scheme gruvbox-dark gruvbox-reboot gruvbox-remake neovim neovim-colorscheme neovim-lua-plugin neovim-theme vim vim-colorscheme vim-theme


πŸŽ„ Gruvbox baby!

My variation of the gruvbox theme with full support for treesitter!

πŸ€” Why?

I wasn't comfortable with the gruvbox themes out there, either they didn't have good treesitter support or if they do, I didn't like their colors on python and javascript/typescript files.

πŸ“Έ Pretty pictures

Font: Jetbrains Mono patched with nerd fonts

Terminal: wezterm

πŸŒ™ Lua


🐍 Python


βš›οΈ React with typescript


πŸ” Telescope

inspired by (You have to enable it via config variable) telescope-theme

βš™οΈ Installation

Plug 'luisiacc/gruvbox-baby', {'branch': 'main'}
colorscheme gruvbox-baby

πŸͺ› Configuration

❗️ configuration needs to be set BEFORE loading the color scheme with colorscheme gruvbox-baby

Option Default Available options
background_color medium medium, dark
transparent_mode false false, true - sets background colors to None
comment_style italic see :h attr-list
keyword_style italic see :h attr-list
string_style nocombine see :h attr-list
function_style bold see :h attr-list
variable_style NONE see :h attr-list
highlights {} override highlights with your custom highlights
color_overrides {} override color palette with your custom colors
use_original_palette false use the original gruvbox palette
-- Example config in Lua
vim.g.gruvbox_baby_function_style = "NONE"
vim.g.gruvbox_baby_keyword_style = "italic"

-- Each highlight group must follow the structure:
-- ColorGroup = {fg = "foreground color", bg = "background_color", style = "some_style(:h attr-list)"}
-- See also :h highlight-guifg
-- Example:
vim.g.gruvbox_baby_highlights = {Normal = {fg = "#123123", bg = "NONE", style="underline"}}

-- Enable telescope theme
vim.g.gruvbox_baby_telescope_theme = 1

-- Enable transparent mode
vim.g.gruvbox_baby_transparent_mode = 1

-- Load the colorscheme
vim.cmd[[colorscheme gruvbox-baby]]

If you enable the telescope theme, I recommend using it with this borderchars config:

  defaults = {
    borderchars = {
      prompt = { "─", " ", " ", " ", "─", "─", " ", " " },
      results = { " " },
      preview = { " " },
" Example config in VimScript
let g:gruvbox_baby_function_style = "NONE"
let g:gruvbox_baby_keyword_style = "italic"

" Enable telescope theme
let g:gruvbox_baby_telescope_theme = 1

" Enable transparent mode
let g:gruvbox_baby_transparent_mode = 1

" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme gruvbox-baby

If you want access to the palette you have to do this:

local colors = require("gruvbox-baby.colors").config()
vim.g.gruvbox_baby_highlights = {Normal = {fg =}}

πŸ”Œ Plugin support

enable Lualine

To enable gruvbox-baby theme for Lualine, simply specify it in your lualine settings:

require('lualine').setup {
    options = {
        -- ... your lualine config,
        theme = "gruvbox-baby",
        -- ... your lualine config,

🌈 Palette

gruvbox-baby medium gruvbox-baby intensities

πŸ“‹ Colors

| **Color** | **Code** | **Name** | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------- | | | #ebdbb2 | foreground | | | #dedede | gray | | | #504945 | medium_gray | | | #665c54 | comment | | | #e7d7ad | milk | | | #cc241d | error_red | | | #fb4934 | red | | | #d65d0e | orange | | | #fabd2f | bright_yellow | | | #eebd35 | soft_yellow | | | #d4879c | pink | | | #b16286 | magenta | | | #98971a | soft_green | | | #689d6a | forest_green | | | #8ec07c | clean_green | | | #458588 | blue_gray | | | #83a598 | dark_gray | | | #7fa2ac | light_blue |

πŸ‘Ά Medium Intensity

![gruvbox-baby medium](extras/media/palettes/medium.svg) |**Color**|**Code**|**Name**| |---|---|---| ||#0d0e0f|dark0| ||#202020|dark| ||#242424|background_dark| ||#282828|background| ||#32302f|background_light|

🎱 Dark Intensity

![gruvbox-baby dark](extras/media/palettes/dark.svg) |**Color**|**Code**|**Name**| |---|---|---| ||#0d0e0f|dark0| ||#0d0e0f|dark| ||#171a1a|background_dark| ||#1d2021|background| ||#32302f|background_light|

🍦 Soft Intensity

![gruvbox-baby soft](extras/media/palettes/soft.svg) |**Color**|**Code**|**Name**| |---|---|---| ||#0d0e0f|dark0| ||#202020|dark| ||#282626|background_dark| ||#32302f|background| ||#3c3a39|background_light|

πŸ₯Ώ Soft Flat Intensity

![gruvbox-baby soft flat](extras/media/palettes/soft_flat.svg) |**Color**|**Code**|**Name**| |---|---|---| ||#0d0e0f|dark0| ||#202020|dark| ||#32302f|background_dark| ||#32302f|background| ||#3c3a39|background_light|

πŸ‘½ Extras

add to Windows Terminal

To add the gruvbox-baby themes to Windows Terminal run,

# Windows Terminal settings.json can be found at
# %LOCALAPPDATA%/Packages/Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_8wekyb3d8bbwe/LocalState/settings.json

use with fzf

To use the fzf theme append the variable/string to your FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS variable

#To use the fzf theme the environment variables used have to be defined.
#You can use the tmux or bash file to export them to your environment

πŸ‘† Acknowledgments

Other themes I've made

The Matrix -