lukasberbuer / rt-vamp-plugin-sdk

Real-time Vamp plugin SDK for C++20
MIT License
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cpp20 feature-extraction real-time signal-processing vamp vamp-plugin-sdk vamp-plugins

Real-time Vamp plugin SDK for C++20

License: MIT CI Doc Python Coverage PyPI PyPI - Python Version

Vamp is an C/C++ plugin API for audio analysis / feature extraction plugins:

This SDK for plugins and hosts targets performance-critical applications by:

The SDK aims to be well tested, cross-platform and use modern C++. The plugin SDK is available as a single-header library (download as asset from latest release page).

Compiler support: GCC >= 10, Clang >= 11, MSVC >= 19.30

Note: Python bindings for the hostsdk are available via PyPI. Please check out the documentation.



Following benchmarks compare the performance/overhead of the plugin SDKs based on a simple RMS plugin. The performance is measured as throughput (number of processed samples per second).

Results with an i7-9850H CPU (12 cores):

Throughput vs. block size Multithreading

Results with an ARMv7 CPU: Throughput vs block size, Multithreading

Why another SDK?

The official SDK offers a convenient C++ plugin interface. But there are some drawbacks for real-time processing:

Solution approach

The rt-vamp-plugin-sdk aims to to keep the overhead minimal but still provide an easy and safe to use API:

  1. Static plugin informations are provided as static constexpr variables to generate the C plugin descriptor at compile time.
  2. The computed features are returned by reference (as a std::span) to prevent heap allocations during processing.
  3. The input buffer is provided either as a TimeDomainBuffer (std::span<const float>) or a FrequencyDomainBuffer (std::span<const std::complex<float>>). The process method takes a std::variant<TimeDomainBuffer, FrequencyDomainBuffer>. A wrong input buffer type will result in an exception. The sized spans enable easy iteration over the input buffer data.

Plugin restrictions

Following features of the Vamp API Vamp::Plugin are restricted within the rt-vamp-plugin-sdk:

Minimal example

More examples can be found here:


class ZeroCrossing : public rtvamp::pluginsdk::Plugin<1 /* one output */> {
    using Plugin::Plugin;  // inherit constructor

    static constexpr Meta meta{
        .identifier    = "zerocrossing",
        .name          = "Zero crossings",
        .description   = "Detect and count zero crossings",
        .maker         = "LB",
        .copyright     = "MIT",
        .pluginVersion = 1,
        .inputDomain   = InputDomain::Time,

    OutputList getOutputDescriptors() const override {
        return {
                .identifier  = "counts",
                .name        = "Zero crossing counts",
                .description = "The number of zero crossing points per processing block",
                .unit        = "",
                .binCount    = 1,

    bool initialise(uint32_t stepSize, uint32_t blockSize) override {
        initialiseFeatureSet();  // automatically resizes feature set to number of outputs and bins
        return true;

    void reset() override {
        previousSample_ = 0.0f;

    const FeatureSet& process(InputBuffer buffer, uint64_t nsec) override {
        const auto signal = std::get<TimeDomainBuffer>(buffer);

        size_t crossings   = 0;
        bool   wasPositive = (previousSample_ >= 0.0f);

        for (const auto& sample : signal) {
            const bool isPositive = (sample >= 0.0f);
            crossings += int(isPositive != wasPositive);
            wasPositive = isPositive;

        previousSample_ = signal.back();

        auto& result = getFeatureSet();
        result[0][0] = crossings;  // first and only output, first and only bin
        return result;             // return span/view of the results

    float previousSample_ = 0.0f;



// list all plugins keys (library:plugin)
for (auto&& key : rtvamp::hostsdk::listPlugins()) {
    std::cout << key.get() << std::endl;

auto plugin = rtvamp::hostsdk::loadPlugin("minimal-plugin:zerocrossing", 48000 /* samplerate */);
plugin->initialise(4096 /* step size */, 4096 /* block size */);

std::vector<float> buffer(4096);
// fill buffer with data from audio file, sound card, ...

auto features = plugin->process(buffer, 0 /* timestamp nanoseconds */);
std::cout << "Zero crossings: " << features[0][0] << std::endl;