The idea is to implement the Dreamworks OpenVDB library into the 3Depict source.
The module is called via an openvdb_includes.h header that provides all openvdb
files needed.
Dependencies: libopenvdb3.1 via apt and libopenvdb-dev via apt
The core steps for this should be:
- Create own filter which is NOT compatible with the standard voxelization
- In the filter the point cloud is written into an OpenVDB Grid
- Write a stream comparable to the voxel stream which transports an OpenVDB grid object
that is modified in the filter mentioned above.
- Write own Draw Isosurface Class in Drawables (gets called by viscontrol.ccp)
-> here the volume to mesh conversion is done.
- In the last step a centroidal voronoi tesselation runs over the mesh
the version from here is to be used http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/yangliu/ LPCVT