lukasz-szulborski / vsc-diff-regex

Visual Studio Code extension that facilitates searching for uncommitted source code text changes across multiple Git repositories.
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🔍 vsc-diff-regex

Visual Studio Code extension that facilitates searching for uncommitted source code text changes across multiple Git repositories.

🛠️ Installation guide

Search for vsc-diff-regex in vscode extension market and hit Install. If the extension doesn't load then please reload vscode window.

📚 How to use

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Activate extension by clicking on an extension icon (bar where you can also find Explorer and Source Control icons).
  2. Enter a regular expression.
  3. If there are any matches you should see results under the input field. You can click on any of the found lines to open the file.

🔩 Extension Settings

In order to change extension settings please head to Settings and search for vsc-diff-regex.

Currently, the only configurable part of this extension is a highlight color of a found expression.

🪲 Known Issues

Feel free to open an issue to report a bug or propose improvements.

📰 Release Notes


Initial release.