lukaszkorecki / Hubboard

Desktop Notifier/Timeline viewer for Github
34 stars 3 forks source link


Want to know who and when pushed latests changes to your company's repo?

Want to know who started following something interesting?

Want to see latests gists created by someone you follow?

Want to stop using your browser for checking that stuff?

Want to get notified about it with you favorite desktop notification tool?

Use hubboard!

Hubboard v0.2


Hubboard was created because of two reasons:

How to make it work?


If you have a Mac you can just grab the package from Downloads (you'll need Growl as well for the notifications).

You can also:


Linux is a bit tricky - recent changes to wxWidgets packages made wxRuby gem unusable - see this issue for details

However previous Ubuntu version (10.4 - Lucid) is perfectly fine, you'll be able to run Hubboard after installing some dependencies (wxbase, libwxgtk-2.8-{0,dev})

Notifications support is underway.

Microsoft ® Windows ™

I haven't checked Ms Windows - if someone's eager to test it out that would be splendid!

Contributing and stuff

There's a set of Rake tasks which will help you out. rake -T for help.

Usual rules: fork, feature branch, pull request. Thanks!


Fugue Icon Set by Yusuke Kamiyamane