luke-rt / asciiframe

A CLI tool that converts videos to ASCII and displays them to the terminal on the fly
MIT License
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ascii cli opencv rust video


Convert any video to a stream of ASCII frames version CICD MIT license


## How To Use ### Usage ```sh $ asc [OPTIONS] --file ``` ### Options File ``` -f, --file ``` Specify the input video file to be convertered Output ``` -o, --output ``` Optional filename for asciiframe to write rendered output to, which can be run later to display the video ## Installation Ensure `opencv` and `pkg-config` is installed! ``` cargo install asciiframe ``` Make sure `~/.cargo/bin` is in your path MacOS: - `brew install pkg-config opencv` - If you get `dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libclang.dylib` then run `export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="$(xcode-select --print-path)/usr/lib/"` first ## Library `asciiframe` is also a package on [``]( so you can use it in your own project Once you've added it to your `Cargo.toml`, you can use the `asciiframe::render()` function, which takes an input file `fin`, `width`, `height`, and finally `render_frame`, a function with the input of a string As `asciiframe::render` iterates through the video and converts each frame to a string of ASCII characters, it then calls `render_frame` on the string before moving onto the next video frame As a result, you can call render and pass in a function/closure as `render_frame`. The function thus gets called on every frame the moment it gets rendered. For example ```rust asciiframe::render(fin, width, height, |frame| { println!("{esc}c", esc = 27 as char); println!("{}",; Ok(()) }); ``` This function would print out the frame to stdout the moment it gets converted to ASCII. ## Contributing ## About ### Authors and Contributors - [luke-rt]( T) ## TODO - prebuilt binaries - examples ### License [MIT License](