lukejacksonn / servor

Dependency free file server for single page app development
MIT License
1.04k stars 70 forks source link
development file-watcher history-api-fallback live-reload server single-page-app


A dependency free dev server for modern web application development

A very compact but capable static file server with https, live reloading, gzip and other useful features to support modern web app development on localhost and over a local network. The motivation here was to write a package from the ground up with no dependencies; using only native, node and browser APIs to do some specific tasks with minimal code.

Servør can be invoked via the command line or programmatically using the node API.

Quickstart Example

The following command instructs servør to; clone perflink, start a server at the project root, open the url in a browser, open the source code in an editor and reload the browser when files change.

npx servor gh:lukejacksonn/perflink --browse --editor --reload

Most features are disabled by default but you can customize behaviour by passing positional arguments and flags to enable features.



CLI Usage

Run as a terminal command without adding it as a dependency using npx:

npx servor <root> <fallback> <port>

You can pass a GitHub repo as <root> using the syntax gh:<user>/<repository>

Optional flags passed as non-positional arguments:

Example usage with npm scripts in a package.json file after running npm i servor -D:

  "devDependencies": {
    "servor": "4.0.0"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "servor www index.html 8080 --reload --browse"

Generating Credentials

NOTE: This process depends on the openssl command existing (tested on macOS and linux only)

The files servor.crt and servor.key need to exist for the server to start using https. If the files do not exist when the --secure flag is passed, then is invoked which:

Adding credentials to the trusted store

NOTE: This process depends on the sudo and security commands existing (tested on macOS only)

For the browser to trust self signed certificates the root certificate must be added to the system trusted store. This can be done automatically by running sudo servor --secure which:

The approach was adopted from @kingkool68/generate-ssl-certs-for-local-development

API Usage

Use servor programmatically with node by requiring it as a module in your script:

const servor = require('servor');
const instance = await servor({
  root: '.',
  fallback: 'index.html',
  module: false,
  static: false,
  reload: false,
  inject: ''
  credentials: null,
  port: 8080,

The servor function accepts a config object with optional props assigned the above default values if none are provided. Calling the servor function starts up a new server and returns an object describing its configuration.

const { url, root, protocol, port, ips } = await servor(config);


The inject property accepts a string that gets appended to the servers root document (which is index.html by default). This could be used to inject config or extend the development servers behavior and capabilities to suit specific environments.

const config = require('package.json');
servor({ inject: `<script>window.pkg=${config}</script>` });


The credentials property accepts an object containing the entries cert and key which must both be valid for the server to start successfully. If valid credentials are provided then the server will start serving over https.

It is possible to generate the appropriate credentials using the --secure CLI flag.


Thanks to all the contributors to this projects so far. If you find a bug please create an issue or if you have an idea for a new feature then fork the project and create a pull request. Let me know how you are using servør on twitter.