LCV is a method for inferring genetically causal relationships using GWAS data.
LCV is implemented in Matlab and R. In order to run LCV, you will need LD scores (non-stratified, with ancestry matching your GWAS data), which can be downloaded here. You can also compute your own LD scores using the LDSC software. You will also need signed summary statistics: either effect size estimates (in units of per-normalized-genotype effect size) or Z scores.
Usage of each function is described within the source code. There are example simulation scripts in Matlab and R, and an example script to run on real data in R.
example_script.m: Example script to generate data under the LCV model and run LCV on the simulated data
simulate_LCV.m: Simulates causal effect sizes and summary statistics under the LCV model
run_LCV.m: Runs LCV on summary statistics for two traits
estimate_k4.m, weighted_mean.m, weighted_regression.m: subroutines of run_LCV.m
run_LCV_parallel.m: Runs LCV on summary statistics for two traits with parallelization across jackknife blocks estimate_k4.m, weighted_mean.m, weighted_regression.m: Functions to compute sample moments used by LCV
RunLCV.R: Runs LCV on summary statistics for two traits. Calls functions defined within MomentFunctions.R as subroutines.
MomentFunctions.R: Functions to compute sample moments used by LCV
ExampleRealdataScript.R: Example script to run LCV on real data
ExampleSimulationScript.R: Example simulations script
SimulateLCV.R: Generates simulated summary statistics following the LCV model
O'Connor, L.J. and A.L. Price. "Distinguishing genetic correlation from causation across 52 diseases and complex traits." Nature genetics (2018).
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