CCSVG provides an API for loading, displaying and animating SVG images on iOS using Cocos2D.
// load an svg image
CCSVGSource *source;
source = [CCSVGSource sourceWithFile:@"player_idle.svg"];
// display an svg image
CCSVGSprite *sprite;
sprite = [CCSVGSprite spriteWithSource:source];
sprite.position = ccp(240,160);
// create an svg animation
CCSVGAnimation *animation;
animation = [CCSVGAnimation animationWithSourcesNamed:@"player_walk_%04d.svg"
// run the animation on the sprite
CCSVGAnimate *animate;
animate = [CCSVGAnimate actionWithSVGAnimation:animation];
[sprite runAction:[CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:animate]];
SVG images are displayed as vector data, not textures. Each file is tesselated and cached in a vertex buffer object, so the peformance penalty of tesselating and uploading the geometry to OpenGL only happens once when the file is first loaded.
There is a significant performance penalty for using images with transparent fills or strokes (drawing them properly means turning on blending in OpenGL). Avoid them where possible.
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update