luketevl / learn-english

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Level 1 | L1 | Lesson Be #3

Open pmagalhaesa opened 7 years ago

pmagalhaesa commented 7 years ago



He ------- a student. (be)

You ------------- at the party yet. (be- negative)

They ------ workers. (be)

There -------------- a good movie on TV tonight. (be- negative)

There ------ a party at my house next weekend. (be)

John and Sue ------ married. (be - negative)

The dog -------------- thirsty. (be- negative)

There ------------- any students in the classroom. (be- negative)

We ------ very happy about our new apartment. (be)

The employees ------------- on break. (be- negative)

In the morning, I ------ very tired. (be)

You ------ at school right now. ( be - negative)

------ it cold today? (be)

The sun ------------- out today. (be- negative)

You and I -------------- at work today. (be- negative)

------ they members of the website? (be)

Sarah -------------- a good choice for that job. (be- negative)

He and I ------ both cousins. (be)

He ------------- happy with his new computer. (be- negative)

I -------------- hungry today. (be- negative)


Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?' So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

luketevl commented 7 years ago



He is a student. (be)

You aren't at the party yet. (be- negative)

They are workers. (be)

There aren't a good movie on TV tonight. (be- negative)

There are a party at my house next weekend. (be)

John and Sue aren't married. (be - negative)

The dog isn't thirsty. (be- negative)

There aren't any students in the classroom. (be- negative)

We are very happy about our new apartment. (be)

The employees aren't on break. (be- negative)

In the morning, I am very tired. (be)

You aren't at school right now. ( be - negative)

Is it cold today? (be)

The sun isn't out today. (be- negative)

You and I am not at work today. (be- negative)

Are they members of the website? (be)

Sarah isn't a good choice for that job. (be- negative)

He and I am both cousins. (be)

He isn't happy with his new computer. (be- negative)

I am not hungry today. (be- negative)


Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?' So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.


Word Significado
Once Uma vez, imediatamente
Twice Duas vezes
Peeped Passado de peep (Espreitou)
Thought Passado de think (Pensado)
Could Passo de can (Poderia)
Whether Se
daisy-chain Margarida
worth Valer a pena, valer algo
trouble Problemas, dificuldade
daisies Margaridas
suddenly De repente
ran Passo do verbo run (Correu)


Alice estava cansada de esperar sua irmão sentada no banco sem nada para fazer, ela espiouo o livro que sua irmão estava lendo uma ou duas vezes, porém o livro não tinha nenhuma imagem ou dialogo. Com isso alice pensou para o que servia um livro sem imagens e dialogos. Como o o dia quente a fez sentir com sono e estupida, ela estava pensando se valeria a pena levantar-se e fazer uma serie de margaridas se o problema era ficar levantando, mas de repente passou correndo um coelho branco em sua direção.

pmagalhaesa commented 7 years ago


Não fez (Obrigatório deixar registro do estudo- Lesson Be)


He is a student. (be) :thumbsup:

You aren't at the party yet. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

They are workers. (be) :thumbsup:

There aren't a good movie on TV tonight. (be- negative) :-1:

There are a party at my house next weekend. (be) :-1:

John and Sue aren't married. (be - negative) :thumbsup:

The dog isn't thirsty. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

There aren't any students in the classroom. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

We are very happy about our new apartment. (be) :thumbsup:

The employees aren't on break. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

In the morning, I am very tired. (be) :thumbsup:

You aren't at school right now. ( be - negative) :thumbsup:

Is it cold today? (be) :thumbsup:

The sun isn't out today. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

You and I am not at work today. (be- negative) :-1:

Are they members of the website? (be) :thumbsup:

Sarah isn't a good choice for that job. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

He and I am both cousins. (be) :-1:

He isn't happy with his new computer. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

I am not hungry today. (be- negative) :thumbsup:

Score: :white_check_mark: : 16 :x: : 4


Prestar mais atenção e reler antes de entregar. "(...)valeria a pena levantar-se e fazer uma serie de margaridas se o problema (...)" :sweat:

pmagalhaesa commented 7 years ago


1- Fazer os registros do estudo da liçao:

Personal Pronouns Verbo “to be” no presente Contração Verbo "to be" na negativa Contração
I (eu) am (sou/estou) I'm I am not (não sou/ nãoestou) I'm not

2- Pegar as questões que errou, corrigir/entender e justificar o porque errou. 3- Reescrever fazendo sentido (cuidado com o Google Translate!!!), não precisa ser tradução e sim sua versão breve do trecho.

luketevl commented 7 years ago


  1. Feito estudo e adicionado ao readme

  2. Correção e motivo.

  1. Alice estava cansada de esperar sua irmã sentada no banco, com isso ela pegou o livro que sua irmão estava lendo, alice ficou intrigada porque o livro não tinha imagens nem diálogos, se perguntando para o que servia um livro que não tem imagens e diálogos. Como ela ficou muito tempo no sol e estava fraca fiquei pensando se valeria a pena levantar e pegar a margarida.