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Presente Continuo

Present Continuous

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answer
I am working I am not working Am i working? Yes, i am
You are working You are not working Are you working? No, you are
He is working He is not working Is he working? Yes, he is
She is working She is not working Is she working? No she is
It is working It is not working Is it working? Yes, it is
We are working We are not working Are we working? Yes, we are
They are working They are not working Are they working? No, they are
  • Ação que acontece AGORA ou ACABANDO DE ACONTECER
  • Ação que acontece no momento da FALA pode estar acontecendo ou não
  • Ação que acontece no FUTURO próximo
  • Usa-se always entre verbo to be e verbo principal
  • You are always asking something
  • NEGAÇÃO deve ser usado o NOT após o verbo to be
  • INTERROGATIVA verbo to be no inicio da frase
  • Regras
  • Terminado com e remove e e acrescenta ING
  • Consoante Vogal Consoante deve dobrar a última letra e acrescenta ING
  • Terminado com ie remove ie e acrescenta YING
  • Consoante Vogal L deve dobrar a última letra e acrescenta ING

Presente do Indicativo

Simple Present

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answer
I work I do not work Do i work? Yes, i do
You work You do not work Do you work? No, you do
He works He does not work Does he works? Yes, he does
She works She does not work Does she works? No, she does
It works It does not work Does it works? Yes, it does
We work We do not work Do we work? Yes, we do
They work They do not work Do they work? No, they do
  • AFIRMAÇÃO No HE, SHE, IT acrescenta o s no final do verbo
  • Verbos terminados em ss, sh, ch, x, z, o acrescenta o ES
  • Verbos terminados em y substitui por i e acrescenta o ES
  • Verbo to have vira has
  • Usado em fatos e situações atuais
  • Anthony lives in New York ( Antonio mora em Nova Iorque)
  • Usado em hábitos normalmente usados ADVERBIO de TEMPO
  • She never whatches TV
  • Usa do not para I, YOU, WE,YOU,THEY
  • Usa does not para HE, SHE, IT
  • Usa do para I, YOU, WE,YOU,THEY antes do SUJEITO
  • Usa does para HE, SHE, IT antes do SUJEITO
  • INTERROGATIVA NEGATIVA usa do ou does antes do SUJEITO e not depois do SUJEITO

Past simple ( I DID )

Passado Simples ( Eu FIZ )

  • Ação que já ocorreu e que não ocorre mais. Inicio e fim no passado
  • Verbo NÃO é flexionado
  • Passado do verbo to be é WAS para singular e WERENT para plural


  • Usa not did passado de do com verbo no infinitivo sem o to
  • Forma abreviada didn't
  • Usa did antes do SUJEITO com verbo no infinitivo sem o to
| Affirmative             | Negative                        | Interrogative               | Short Answer            |
| I work**ed**            | I **did not** work              | **Did** i work?             | Yes, i did              |
| You work**ed**          | You **did not** work            | **Did** you work?           | No, you did             |
| He work**ed**           | He **did not** work             | **Did** he work?            | Yes, he did             |
| She work**ed**          | She **did not** work            | **Did** she work?           | No, she did             |
| It work**ed**           | It **did not** work             | **Did** it work?            | Yes, it did             |
| We work**ed**           | We **did not** work             | **Did** we work?            | Yes, we did             |
| They work**ed**         | They **did not** work           | **Did** they work?          | No, they did            |
  • Regras
  • Normalmente acrescenta o D ou ED
  • Verbos terminados com e acrescenta o D
hope hoped
stop stopped
travel travelled


Past Continuous ( I WAS DOING )

Passado Simples ( Eu ESTAVA fazendo )

  • Ação que estava acontecendo em periodo de tempo no passado
  • Usa o WAS para singular e WERENT para plural
  • Verbo acrescenta o ING
  • Usado para
  • Descrever ação em andamento no passado
  • Narrar casos de uma situação passada
  • Descrever ação em andamento
  • Normalmente usa-se a conjunção WHILE
  • Ação que habitual que ocorria no passado
  • Normalmente usa-se adverbios de frequencia (frequently, always, often)
  • Usa not entre o passado simples do verbo to be e gerundio do ING
  • Forma abreviada wasn't, weren't
  • Usa WAS para I, HE,SHE,IT antes do SUJEITO
  • Usa WERE para YOU, WE, THEY antes do SUJEITO
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answer
I was working I was not working Was i working? Yes, i was
You were working You were not working Were you working? No, you were
He was working He was not working Was he working? Yes, he was
She was working She was not working Was she working? No, she was
It was working It was not working Was it working? Yes, it was
We were working We were not working Were we working? Yes, we were
They were working They were not working Were they working? No, they were

Present Perfect ( I HAVE DONE )

Present Perfeito ( Eu TINHA feito )

  • Ação que ocorreram num tempo indefinido no PASSADO
  • Usado com adverbios
  • Ações que começaram no PASSADO e se prolongaram atéo PRESENTE
  • Comum o uso do since e do for
  • I have been here since 8 o'clock a.m ( Estou aqui desde as oito da manhã )
  • Usa not entre o passado simples do verbo to be
  • Forma abreviada havent't, hasn't
  • Usa HAS para HE,SHE,IT antes do SUJEITO
  • Usa HAVE para I,YOU, WE, THEY antes do SUJEITO
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answer
I have worked I have not worked Have i worked? Yes, i have
You have worked You have not worked Have you worked? No, you have
He has worked He has not worked Has he worked? Yes, he has
She has worked She has not worked Has she worked? No, she has
It has worked It has not worked Has it worked? Yes, it has
We have worked We have not worked Have we worked? Yes, we have
They have worked They have not worked Have they worked? No, they have

Present Perfect Continuous ( I HAVE BEEN DOING)

Presente perfeito continuo

  • Enfatizar a continuidde, duração e intensidade de uma ação que começou no passado e se prolonga ate o presente
  • Ações passadas que acabam de ser concluidas, cujos efeitos ou conseguencias são evidentes no present
  • I'm hot because I've been running
  • Expressar um fato generico que está em progresso em periodo de tempo nao especifico. Pode se usar adverbios de frequencia
  • Usa o presente simples do verbo to have (have / has) e presente perfeito do verbo to be e gerundio do verbo principal
  • Adiciona o BEEN
  • I've e He's
  • Usa not entre o present simples do verbo to have (have / has) e presente perfeito do verbo to be
  • Forma abreviada havent't, hasn't
  • Usa HAS para HE,SHE,IT antes do SUJEITO
  • Usa HAVE para I,YOU, WE, THEY antes do SUJEITO
Affirmative Negative Interrogative Short Answer
I have been working I have not been working Have i been working? Yes, i have been
You have been working You have not been working Have you been working? No, you have been
He has been working He has not been working Has he been working? Yes, he has been
She has been working She has not been working Has she been working? No, she has been
It has been working It has not been working Has it been working? Yes, it has beens
We have been working We have not been working Have we been working? Yes, we have been
They have been working They have not been working Have they been working? No, they have been


  • Present Continuous x Present Perfect Continuous x Present Perfect
  • O Present Continuous expressa uma ação que está ocorrendo no momento, agora:
  • She is making a cake now. (Ela está fazendo um bolo agora.)
  • O Present Perfect Continuous expressa uma ação que começou no passado e continua até o presente:
  • He has been cooking for one hour. (Ele está cozinhando há uma hora.)
  • O Present Perfect expressa ações que acabaram em um tempo não definido no passado:
  • She has made a cake. (Ela fez um bolo.)