lukso-network / events-build-up-1-hackathon

BUILD 🆙 #1 Hackathon
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Universal Profile Tools - Token & NFT Wallet with Vault Manager #2

Open JonathanW8 opened 1 year ago

JonathanW8 commented 1 year ago

Prize Title

Universal Profile Tools - Token & NFT Wallet with Vault Manager

Challenge Description

Universal Profiles are interoperable blockchain-based profiles and the new way to interact with Blockchain. They are your profile, your wallet, your identity, your login, your digital self. Universal Profiles allow for many keys to control them through a key manager smart contract, can have any information attached to it, and allow third parties to pay for users gas.

As the Universal Profile Browser extension is not a wallet app, but the controller app of your profile, users need a dedicated wallet application to see, store and manage their assets. Building a wallet can be done using the LSP5 ReceivedAssets metadata, which the UniversalReceiverDelegate writes into the profile every time a LSP7 and LSP8 token is received.

On LUKSO, Vaults (LSP9) allow Universal Profiles to store assets and other information in containers independent from Universal Profiles (which can also store anything). They can hold assets, interact with other contracts and attach information via standardized storage. The Vault is owned by a Universal Profile and can execute, deploy and transfer values to any other smart contract or EOA. A vault can also be used to authorise a key an app holds to act through your Universal Profile, but restrict the key to only interact with a vault specifically deployed for that app. For example, a game could connect to a user's Universal Profile and store states and items to a specific vault, deployed by the Universal Profile before.

For this bounty, we’re looking for developers to build a wallet


Note: All submissions are automatically considered for the Community Choice Award prize pool of $40,000. All prizes will be denominated in LYXe at the time of payout. We reserve the right to not pay out the full prize if the submission does not meet the minimum criteria.

Getting Started

Submission Requirements

Your submission should contain the following:

Judging Criteria

Get to know LUKSO

Developer Documentation



LUKSO Standard Proposals (LSPs)


Special Thanks

Special thanks to our community members for being part of the journey and if you’re a newcomer, welcome! Good luck and have fun 😊

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 8761.9824 LYXe attached to it as part of the lukso-network fund.

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by a minute ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) yubzy has started work.

Identify on the blockchain 2) phaxsam has started work.

Token and NFTs Vault Manager 3) 0xfuje has started work.

Luksy is the number one wallet for Lukso chain. Manage your assets, NFTs or create vaults with our simple web app. 4) mul1sh has started work.

We're working on a browser extension that will allow lukso users to easily manage there assets and NFTs easily & seamlessly like they were using a web2 application. 5) jxyang44 has started work.

MyLuksoWallet utilizes Lukso Standard Proposals (LSPs) to create a user-friendly experience for both Web3 newcomers and veterans alike. We abstract away the need to purchase cryptocurrency on an exchange, fund your account to pay gas fees, and manage your private keys, so that your transition into Web3 is smooth and seamless.

At its core, MyLuksoWallet is a front-end tool to manage and showcase your Lukso digital assets. Our interface allows you to creatively visualize tokens, NFTs and vaults. Basic features include the ability to view, transfer, and mint tokens and customized NFTs, to transfer assets between vaults and more!

On the back-end, we also utilize asset metadata, received assets, key manager, vault management, and issued assets for supporting functionality. Finally, in order for any of this to work, we also implement core Universal Profile functionality.

This project was started as part of the LUKSO Build UP! hackathon, so we are also very excited to continue to implement more functionality as the Lukso ecosystem grows! 6) zerquix18 has started work.

Bulding a rich-feature wallet with management for profile, assets, vaults, controllers and more 7) leowangj has started work.

build UP wallet to make the LUKSO network more convenient to operate 8) gconnect has started work.

Wallet Vault Manager deployed on Lukso public testnet 9) fcveiga has started work.

WalliD is an aggregator of ID and non-financial protocols and networks.

For the users it is a single wallet that is able to manage all the assets from those protocols and networks through one or multiple wallet addresses or keys. This means that, through a single extension, a user can manage one or multiple accounts and keys to authenticate or prove the ownership of all these assets independently of the underlying infrastructure (e.g. a Polygon ID claim, a Ceramic network credential or as of today, any LUKSO asset).

For Webapps and dApps, WalliD is a single SDK that makes it easy to customise which protocols or networks should be used to authenticate or verify users' identities or which assets should be deemed valid for the same purposes.

During this hackathon we integrated LUKSO network with WalliD wallet, providing a native LUKSO experience for the network users and ensuring every UP and asset can be stored, managed, transferred or moved around vaults.

With this explosive combination, LUKSO and WalliD ensure the network users can use a single tool to navigate all EVM networks as they always did, manage centralized and decentralized digital IDs but also have a tailor-made experience for the LUKSO network. 10) krypt007 has started work.

A dashboard for managing your your Universal Profile, LSP7 and LSP8 tokens. Functions include ability to send tokens, update profile metadata and add smartwallet managers. 11) iammincii has started work.

Marble is a LUKSO-native wallet app built to manage tokens and vaults with ease. 12) stevethijssen20 has started work.

Please check the following information Presentation: Platform: Github:

Problem and inspiration It's been six years since the world has embraced the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Via diverse SDGs they create awareness and support thematic issues such as poverty, technology, and science.

Unfortunately, there are still many challenges and problems that are being faced. For instance, in Africa there are more than 25 million people living with HIV which makes it a leading cause of death among women around the reproductive age from 15-44 years old. Globally there were more than 1.4 million pregnant women with HIV in 2017. Almost 86% of the estimated 160.000 children newly infected were in the WHO African Region. Most people acquire the HIV infection through sexual transmission of transmission from mother to child. This happens during pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy.

Thankfully because of charity organisations we have communities that provide a better environment and solve problems in our society and more importantly do research. Through love, motivation and opportunities, they help people thrive and become self-sufficient. Donations are strongly needed to support these charities.

As a team we want to do something for the world, especially for SDG 3 and 5. During the interview with Yvette Rafael from APHA South Africa, we found out several difficulties for charity organisations:

  1. The process of donations is not always transparent for donators
  2. Charities have to invest in a payment infrastructure
  3. Donation processes create a lot of administration
  4. Creating charity events, like auctions, are even more difficult because of COVID-19

With our team of enthusiastic people with knowledge and passion for helping our society, solving problems, FinTech and digital Art, we created during the Lukso build Hackathon the platform LuksoGift: donation events as a service to create the most easy, transparent and fun NFT charity auction on web3

How everything works Creating charity event and Donating NFT On LuksoGift an event manager can create an auction charity event with the deadline and wallet address. It will ask Universal Profile Extension to confirm. After that, all the created charity events will show on the donation page. On any of these charity events users can go into the auction page. There donators can donate(or mint) their NFTs with a given bid price to that charity event. When the NFT is donated, people can bid on the NFT.

Distributing the NFTs to the highest bidders When the auction deadline is ended then the charity event status shows "Waiting for NFTs release". At that moment, only the owner can view this auction page and the owner can finish the Auction and transfer the NFTs to the highest bidders by clicking "Distribute NFTs". It will ask for UP confirmation. After approving it, all the transactions will be transferred to the Event wallet address and the Auction will end.

User profile https://:3000/user/

Here address is the user wallet address. On this page users can see user details as well as LSP 9 NFTs, LSP12 Issued Tokens and LSP5 Received Tokens.

LSP9 NFTs From here, users can see all won NFTs from the charity events. There are 2 types of NFTs. There are Own NFT and Gifted NFT.

Own NFT: The person can send NFT as a GiftCard to a recipient. On the Send as GiftCard modal, there are Recipient address, message, Font type, And the name. After changing this, the person can also preview the GiftCard and send his GiftCard.

Gifted NFT: If anyone has sent the GiftCard, then the person can see there a button called Unwrap GiftCard. And here the person can see the GiftCard in preview. After wrapping it, the person gets the authority to send it to another person as GiftCard.

LSP12 Issued Tokens Here LSP7 and LSP8 tokens are displayed with mark. Also here is displaying the Supply of these tokens.

LSP 5 Received Tokens Here is showing the Tokens with the balance. Here showing the collection and normal token.

Metaverse LuksoGift In the metaverse users can see all the charity events and NFTs. Here all the NFTs and events details are coming from the website api and retrieving these into the VR museum. Users first have to login with the private key, where they can view all the NFTs and Events. The great part is that you also can bid on the NFT in the metaverse.

LuksoGift creates impact in the following two challenges Universal Profile Tools - Token & NFT Wallet with Vault Manager We are displaying profile LSP7, LSP8 , LSP 5 Received Assets metadata, LSP12 Issued Assets metadata and LSP 9 Vaults information on our website. For the LSP 12 and LSP 5 and LSP 9 showing in every user profile page. On LSP 12 we are showing LSP 7 and LSP 8. And for the LSP 9 we are using the LUKSO EVM smart contract. Here we are storing all the NFTs, charity events, GiftCard details. Then we are retrieving the website. We are using solidity language to build the LSP 9 vaults/smart contract.

Fashion, Art, Music, Entertainment - Open Category Millennials and gen z are making many creative content through platforms. So why not donate your creation easily? LuksoGift is a new way of donating by bridging two major markets, namely donation and digital NFTs. On LuksoGift, users can donate Fashion, Art, Music, Entertainment images or videos as NFT on a charity event. In this way, everyone can help charities, where we can create awareness for important topics and stimulate help. Besides that, creators get a podium because their art will make a difference and will promote their work as NFT. 13) thenvn has started work.

Lux Wallet is a wallet browser extension for Lukso Network. It has numerous feature that make it painless to manage your Universal Profile & Vaults:

  • Self - custodial. No credentials sent to server
  • Multi -language support
  • Intuitive beautiful UI that make easy to identify your profile & vaults
  • Make transactions - sending assets across any addresses including your Vaults 14) echolon166 has started work.

I will create a Wallet App & Vault Manager called Walu. 15) cryptovinci has started work.

Marble is a LUKSO-native wallet app built to manage tokens and vaults with ease. 16) gescobar129 has started work.

Evolve is a Lukso blockchain cryptocurrency wallet with a gamified NFT experience for mobile devices. The wallet allows the user to hold, send, and view LSP7 / LSP8 Tokens (the respective equivalents for ERC20 and ERC721 NFT standards on the Lukso Blockchain). Every wallet will have a virtual pet NFT that exists within the app and can grow based on the interactions the user makes with the chain. The more the user transacts with their wallet, the more EXP their monster gains, in turn, unlocking new features. In the beginning, the monster will start off as an egg, and over time it will hatch and grow! 17) jeanlouisboua has started work.

Multi accounts, multi wallets to create and manage yours Universal profiles, NFTs , Token ,Vaults and don't worry about to lose them , its are pinned in Lukup 18) mellamanfico has started work.

museboard empowers artists and collectors to create a global decentralised user curated gallery.

WHAT IS museboard? museboard is a visual social engine to discover NFTs and organise them into self curated mood boards regardless of NFT ownership.

You do not need to own NFTs to connect your LUKSO wallet and start curating your own Boards. Keep your inspirational muse Boards easily accesible on your Universal Profile and follow those relevant to you.

You may buy, sell or make offers on NFTs or even muse Boards.

You can use museboard owning no NFTs and no LYX and even make some income. 19) claudiozone has started work.

our Universal Profile can act as your digital identity and digital reputation in Web3 and Metaverse.

We believe this is the most advanced and decentral identity standard (ERC725), created by Fabian Vogelsteller and brought forward through LUKSO and its vision.

Instead of plain old wallets, a Universal Profile can be customized like a social media profile - but is in your complete control. It’s easy to use and fun, so it’s ready for mass adoption.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 8761.9824 LYXe (60000.00 USD @ $5.04/LYXe) has been submitted by:

  1. @fcveiga
  2. @jxyang44
  3. @gescobar129
  4. @zerquix18
  5. @thenvn
  6. @leowangj
  7. @cryptovinci
  8. @jeanlouisboua
  9. @claudiozone
  10. @echolon166
  11. @mellamanfico

@jonathanw8 please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 8761.9824 LYXe (60000.00 USD @ $4.57/LYXe) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @echolon166.