lukso-network / events-build-up-1-hackathon

BUILD 🆙 #1 Hackathon
3 stars 1 forks source link

Fashion, Art, Music, Entertainment - Open Category #9

Open JonathanW8 opened 1 year ago

JonathanW8 commented 1 year ago

Prize Title

Fashion, Art, Music, Entertainment - Open Category

Challenge Description

Bring F.A.M.E to the New Creative Economy! Explore new ways to empower artists, designers, musicians, creatives, fans and more with LUKSO's new tools and standards that allow for the creative realm to be brought to the next level.


Note: All submissions are automatically considered for the Community Choice Award prize pool of $40,000. All prizes will be denominated in LYXe at the time of payout. We reserve the right to not pay out the full prize if the submission does not meet the minimum criteria.

Getting Started

Submission Requirements

Your submission should contain the following:

Judging Criteria

Get to know LUKSO

Developer Documentation



LUKSO Standard Proposals (LSPs)


Special Thanks

Special thanks to our community members for being part of the journey and if you’re a newcomer, welcome! Good luck and have fun 😊

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 2920.6608 LYXe attached to it as part of the lukso-network fund.

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by a minute ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) ledfut has started work.

UP.TURN is a decentralised artist marketplace, allowing the purchase and trading of digital asset (DA) backed "Artist Tokens" (AT) as well as the purchase of an artists catalogue of DA's ie. Music, Digital Fashion (merch), Artwork, Tickets etc.

The UP.TURN marketplace will be the meeting point for a fan base, to trade and in DA's drawn from an artists Universal Profile.

An artist will float the AT as a representation of a certain portion of their rights to the DA's. A portion of DA purchases will go directly into a "Vested Liquidity Pool", of which an artist will be able to draw down over a set period (12-24 months) in a means to minimise volatility in the AT.

The idea for this project is based on the necessity of an artist to draw a steady income from their work, without the need for intermediaries. And also as a way for fans to truely INVEST in an artist from the start of their career, in a way that has been reserved for a select few wealthy individuals and corporations since the advent of recorded music.

The new creative economy.

Completely decentralised and free. 2) faithful1ofall has started work.

This program help users bother newbies to access the NFT market with less risk because we will build an insurance mechanism to make sure NFTs has a consistent value at every point in time so as not losing its own buy ack value we intend to build a marketplace where NFTs will not have decreasing value instead will have increasing value. 3) modus77 has started work.

CRUZO - The first multi-chain Web3 platform for NFT greeting cards, crypto gifts, and Metaverse party goods. Bringing a billion-dollar industry to Blockchain. 4) gconnect has started work.

NFT Marketplace that utilizes Lukso Protocol 5) maxls11 has started work.

NFT on the eco-friendly Lukso blockchain, POS-class. Made in the form of 100 individual images of Trees. Programming language: Solidity. Trees NFT will be a useful NFT, as it will have the function of earning for keeping this NFT in users' wallets.. It is planned to bind to the collection at the initial stages of The Trees NFT project of the mainnet node of the Lukso blockchain. As well as other strategic partnerships, with eco-friendly POS class blockchains, in the future. 6) godswill-uwah has started work.

Weemit player 2022 is a good choice for efficient and smooth music playback on your phone. Built-in Equalizer for your songs Why MP3 Player is a professional music player:

It allows you to play music on your device, listen to music anytime, anywhere. It is truly a powerful MP3 Player, with a full range of built-in features

Easily play a song:

  1. Select a song from Gallery, album, artist, genre, song, playlist, folder, and artist album.
  2. Enjoy the song immediately
  3. You can use the equalizer to adjust the channels, bass, and treble
  4. You can add or remove songs to a playlist
  5. You can view the lyrics if available or search and add lyrics easily
  6. Timer for easy sleep, relaxation and comfort

Other Features MP3 Player:

Enjoy your music with weemit Player. Maybe you'll love it 7) badmwe has started work.

Web Badminton - decentralized badminton centered dapp on IPFS and Polygon Blockchain. 8) jimmygodwin has started work.

Sagu is a Dapp that allows creatives to mint Tickets(Single, membership, donation, and fundraisers ) that can be shared directly with their communities.

Community is all about Creating Shared Memories. We let your audience from all over the world connect with you and create these memories when you create NFTs tailored for them 9) stevethijssen20 has started work.

Please check the following information Presentation: Platform: Github:

Problem and inspiration It's been six years since the world has embraced the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Via diverse SDGs they create awareness and support thematic issues such as poverty, technology, and science.

Unfortunately, there are still many challenges and problems that are being faced. For instance, in Africa there are more than 25 million people living with HIV which makes it a leading cause of death among women around the reproductive age from 15-44 years old. Globally there were more than 1.4 million pregnant women with HIV in 2017. Almost 86% of the estimated 160.000 children newly infected were in the WHO African Region. Most people acquire the HIV infection through sexual transmission of transmission from mother to child. This happens during pregnancy, childbirth, or pregnancy.

Thankfully because of charity organisations we have communities that provide a better environment and solve problems in our society and more importantly do research. Through love, motivation and opportunities, they help people thrive and become self-sufficient. Donations are strongly needed to support these charities.

As a team we want to do something for the world, especially for SDG 3 and 5. During the interview with Yvette Rafael from APHA South Africa, we found out several difficulties for charity organisations:

  1. The process of donations is not always transparent for donators
  2. Charities have to invest in a payment infrastructure
  3. Donation processes create a lot of administration
  4. Creating charity events, like auctions, are even more difficult because of COVID-19

With our team of enthusiastic people with knowledge and passion for helping our society, solving problems, FinTech and digital Art, we created during the Lukso build Hackathon the platform LuksoGift: donation events as a service to create the most easy, transparent and fun NFT charity auction on web3

How everything works Creating charity event and Donating NFT On LuksoGift an event manager can create an auction charity event with the deadline and wallet address. It will ask Universal Profile Extension to confirm. After that, all the created charity events will show on the donation page. On any of these charity events users can go into the auction page. There donators can donate(or mint) their NFTs with a given bid price to that charity event. When the NFT is donated, people can bid on the NFT.

Distributing the NFTs to the highest bidders When the auction deadline is ended then the charity event status shows "Waiting for NFTs release". At that moment, only the owner can view this auction page and the owner can finish the Auction and transfer the NFTs to the highest bidders by clicking "Distribute NFTs". It will ask for UP confirmation. After approving it, all the transactions will be transferred to the Event wallet address and the Auction will end.

User profile https://:3000/user/

Here address is the user wallet address. On this page users can see user details as well as LSP 9 NFTs, LSP12 Issued Tokens and LSP5 Received Tokens.

LSP9 NFTs From here, users can see all won NFTs from the charity events. There are 2 types of NFTs. There are Own NFT and Gifted NFT.

Own NFT: The person can send NFT as a GiftCard to a recipient. On the Send as GiftCard modal, there are Recipient address, message, Font type, And the name. After changing this, the person can also preview the GiftCard and send his GiftCard.

Gifted NFT: If anyone has sent the GiftCard, then the person can see there a button called Unwrap GiftCard. And here the person can see the GiftCard in preview. After wrapping it, the person gets the authority to send it to another person as GiftCard.

LSP12 Issued Tokens Here LSP7 and LSP8 tokens are displayed with mark. Also here is displaying the Supply of these tokens.

LSP 5 Received Tokens Here is showing the Tokens with the balance. Here showing the collection and normal token.

Metaverse LuksoGift In the metaverse users can see all the charity events and NFTs. Here all the NFTs and events details are coming from the website api and retrieving these into the VR museum. Users first have to login with the private key, where they can view all the NFTs and Events. The great part is that you also can bid on the NFT in the metaverse.

LuksoGift creates impact in the following two challenges Universal Profile Tools - Token & NFT Wallet with Vault Manager We are displaying profile LSP7, LSP8 , LSP 5 Received Assets metadata, LSP12 Issued Assets metadata and LSP 9 Vaults information on our website. For the LSP 12 and LSP 5 and LSP 9 showing in every user profile page. On LSP 12 we are showing LSP 7 and LSP 8. And for the LSP 9 we are using the LUKSO EVM smart contract. Here we are storing all the NFTs, charity events, GiftCard details. Then we are retrieving the website. We are using solidity language to build the LSP 9 vaults/smart contract.

Fashion, Art, Music, Entertainment - Open Category Millennials and gen z are making many creative content through platforms. So why not donate your creation easily? LuksoGift is a new way of donating by bridging two major markets, namely donation and digital NFTs. On LuksoGift, users can donate Fashion, Art, Music, Entertainment images or videos as NFT on a charity event. In this way, everyone can help charities, where we can create awareness for important topics and stimulate help. Besides that, creators get a podium because their art will make a difference and will promote their work as NFT. 10) shanejonas has started work.

Lukso Reader is an RSS reader that stores its feed data via ERC725Y on the Lukso chain. 11) familynft has started work.

We’re a Web3 Brand integrating LUKSO's new LSP standards with our luxury-streetwear garments. Using LUKSO's new NFT standards, we'll be able to add provenance and royalties to our physical products.

We’ve also created a Phygital marketplace, where the LUKSO community can safely trade phygital assets created in the LUKSO ecosystem 12) knrdrbn has started work.

Endless 💍


A physical piece of jewellery that holds your voice and bridges universe and metaverse.

Record a voice message and get 3 things:

  • a physical NFC-enabled ring that links to the NFT (ISO 14443A)
  • IPFS-hosted NFT with an artistic generative rendering of your voice's sound wave. The NFT is on Lukso and takes advantage of the LSP8-IdentifiableDigitalAsset.
  • metaverse wearable jewellery on Decentraland (WIP)

💡 Inspiration

Future-proof storage and the tamper-free nature of the blockchain. Despite being technical terms, the ideas of eternity and immutability have been with us since the dawn of civilisation.

These are also key concepts of love, whether it's affectionate, familiar, brotherly, or romantic love. To express it to family, a friend, or a romantic partner in an eternal and immutable way seems very valuable.

We took inspiration from Lukso and the idea of combining digital & physical. A physical ring that also a very personal voice message that will last forever, and can be tied to you thanks to Lukso. We took inspiration from the concept of the ERC751Y and LSP8-IdentifiableDigitalAsset [[@Hugo pls include standard name]] and voice as a personal identifier.

Endless rings will cross the boundaries of physical world and metaverse worlds as the same ring with the same message will be wearable across these worlds.

💍 What it does

Check out a video presentation and product walk through here

The web app

  • connects to your wallet
  • lets you record your voice
  • generate an image of your voice wave
  • create a unique identifier for that voice message [[@Hugo pls include standard name]]
  • mint that voice message on Lukso as an NFT and gets hosted on IPFS.

The physical ring is an NFC-enabled ring, which will point to the IPFS. You don't need to charge it. You don't need any special app. Simply get your phone close to the ring and it will play your message.

Oh, the web app also shows you some cool 3d floating rings and fog. I know it's hard to miss, but just wanted to mention that again ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

🧰 How we built it

For the frontend, we used:

  • flask
  • tailwind
  • alpinejs
  • vanilla js
  • threejs
  • vantajs

On the backend, we used:

  • web3.js, eth-brownie to interact with blockchain
  • numpy, matploblib and pydub to manipulate the voice data
  • flask, gunicorn, werkzeug to run server-side stuff

💍 Physical ring: We contacted 8 different suppliers and chose the best looking desings, which are being prototyped right now. Unfortunately, due to the difficulty of soldering around copper wire, there have been delays, but the first prototypes work. We made them work by embedding them in an temperature-absorant plastic inlay, which then gets coated with ceramic. The ring is compatible with all modern smartphones. It can be easily programmed. It has about 100k cycles. It is based on ISO 14443A, 13.56MHz NDEF.

🤯 Challenges we ran into

  • Largest challenge: Hardware getting the physical ring to work with soldering.
  • Any kind of jewellery making process in proximity to copper wire will break the wire.
  • Very hard to get the shape right, so for prototype we skipped that part.
  • Trying to integrate with Universal Profiles
  • Smart contract & IPFS: integrating IPFS storage with recording a voice message on the site and also minting an NFT, all in real time.
  • Time management!

🎓 What we learned

  • Hugo has learnt how to easily integrate IPFS
  • Hugo has learnt how to integrate crypto transactions on frontend with metamask and web3.js
  • Konrad has learnt ThreeJS and a lot of frontend stuff.
  • Konrad has learnt a lot about NFC technology and jewellery manufacturing

🌚 What's next for

Finalizing ring design & launching!

Also, expanding expanding this to the metaverse wearables market and integrating with Decentraland, Sandra and VR Chat. See an example on Decentraland


(Assuming linux terminal. If on windows consider using WSL)

  1. create local python installation, activate it, and install libraries
        python -m venv venv
        source venv/bin/activate
        pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. go to app/src/ and install npm packages
        cd app/src
        npm install

That's it! Now you can run the server, or push to github (autodeploys to render).

Useful commands:

cd src
npm run build-css

⬆️ This will run a script that re-builds tailwind everytime you make a change to the html or css.

cd src
npm run local

⬆️ This builds the css once and will run the server locally.


⬆️ Same thing as before, just without building the css first.

cd src
npm run yeet-it

⬆️ This says, builds the css, adds all files to a git commit, and pushes to github.

Render deployment

  1. hook up git repo
  2. Run settings: cd app/src/ && npm install && npm run build-css && cd .. && gunicorn app:app
  3. copy over .env file 13) zcstarr has started work.

Feedhead is a NFT media feed. think Wordpress,, and Tumblr in an NFT. 14) popmonac has started work.

Anxilla is a Web3 social media platform where artists can connect with other professionals who will help their projects succeed and raise money for them. The Anxilla platform offers a venue where musicians and fans may interact and support each other's careers by purchasing the musician's body of work as well as streaming their music. The artists can submit a request for funding by uploading a sample of their idea along with a proposal outlining the amount of money required for the project to be successful as well as the advantages the fans are likely to experience. After uploading, supporters can contribute by submitting the project to the artist via their Lukso Universal Profile.

A request for the fund can be made by the artist once the funds match their budget. This project aims to provide artists with all the resources they need—including money, a support network, expertise, etc.—in order to maintain their independence and support themselves directly. Additionally, this is a means for fans to truly INVEST in an artist from the beginning of their career in a way that has only been possible for a small number of affluent people and businesses since recorded music was invented. The emerging creative economy

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 2920.6608 LYXe (20000.00 USD @ $5.04/LYXe) has been submitted by:

  1. @godswill-uwah
  2. @ledfut
  3. @badmwe
  4. @jimmygodwin
  5. @shanejonas
  6. @sagaranand015
  7. @zcstarr
  8. @familynft
  9. @knrdrbn
  10. @popmonac

@jonathanw8 please take a look at the submitted work:

gitcoinbot commented 1 year ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 2920.6608 LYXe (20000.00 USD @ $4.57/LYXe) attached to this issue has been approved & issued to @knrdrbn.

0xkkonrad commented 1 year ago

Great, whom should I get in touch with? @JonathanW8

ledfut commented 1 year ago


Can I help you?

Thomas Beard ♠ [image] [image]

-------- Original Message -------- On 12 Oct 2022, 13:36, Konrad Urban wrote:

Great, whom should I get in touch with? @.***(

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Godswill-uwah commented 1 year ago

Yes you can help

On Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 10:01 PM ledfut @.***> wrote:


Can I help you?

Thomas Beard ♠ [image] [image]

-------- Original Message -------- On 12 Oct 2022, 13:36, Konrad Urban wrote:

Great, whom should I get in touch with? @.***(

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— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

ledfut commented 1 year ago

With what sir?

LEDFUT [image]

-------- Original Message -------- On 12 Oct 2022, 23:10, Godswill-uwah wrote:

Yes you can help

On Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 10:01 PM ledfut @.***> wrote:


Can I help you?

Thomas Beard ♠ [image] [image]

-------- Original Message -------- On 12 Oct 2022, 13:36, Konrad Urban wrote:

Great, whom should I get in touch with? @.***(

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Godswill-uwah commented 1 year ago

Help me code my app

On Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 10:13 PM ledfut @.***> wrote:

With what sir?

LEDFUT [image]

-------- Original Message -------- On 12 Oct 2022, 23:10, Godswill-uwah wrote:

Yes you can help

On Wed, Oct 12, 2022, 10:01 PM ledfut @.***> wrote:


Can I help you?

Thomas Beard ♠ [image] [image]

-------- Original Message -------- On 12 Oct 2022, 13:36, Konrad Urban wrote:

Great, whom should I get in touch with? @.***(

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