lulzyyy / lulzyOgar

A fully functional open source server implementation, written in Node.js. Ogar is designed to be used with the client.
MIT License
3 stars 4 forks source link


A fully functional open source server implementation, written in Node.js. LulzyOgar is designed to be used with the client. If you find any issues, tell me. Btw. code needs to be cleaned up because I edited other version of Ogar.

Official Website

The official website is You connect to your server using, for example

Public Server

If you want 24/7 cheap public server with anti-ddos, check

IP Address

If you don't know your IP address, check it there

Node.js Version

I recommend using version 4.4.5 of Node.js, it's well tested, stable etc. If you have older version, then update it.


If you have problems with running your sever, post it in Issues section

Obtaining and Using

First, you need Node.js.

To install LulzyOgar do:

~$ git clone git:// lulzyOgar
~$ cd lulzyOgar/src
~$ npm install ws
~$ npm install geoip-lite 
~$ npm install -g forever
~$ npm install request
~$ node index.js or forever index.js

Currently, LulzyOgar listens on the following addresses and ports:

Please note that on some systems, you may have to run the process as root or otherwise elevate your privileges to allow the process to listen on the needed ports. If you are getting an EADDRINUSE error, it means that the port required to run Ogar is being used. Usually, Skype is the culprit. To solve this, either close out skype, or change the serverPort value in gameserver.ini to a different port. You will have to change your connection ip to ""

Once the game server is running, you can connect (locally) by typing into your browser's address bar.

Configuring LulzyOgar

Use "gameserver.ini" to modify LulzyOgar's configurations field. Player bots are currently basic and for testing purposes. To add/remove bot names, edit the file named "botnames.txt" which is in the same folder as "gameserver.ini". Names should be separated by using the enter key. To add for example 10 bots just write in console 'addbots 10' and to kick them, write 'kickbots 10'.

Game modes

LulzyOgar has support for 3 basic game modes. To switch between game modes, change the value of "gamemode" in the configurations file to the selected game mode id and restart the server. The current supported game modes are:

Id Name
0 Free For All
1 Teams
2 Experimental

Console Commands

The current available console commands are listed here. Command names are not case sensitive, but player names are.


Please see