lumenrobot / lumen-helpdesk

Lumen Helpdesk: customer service assistant chatbot
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Lumen Helpdesk

Building and Running

  1. in PostgreSQL, pgAdmin III:

    • Create lumen_lumen_dev database
    • Create schema lumen
  2. In config folder (not in src\main\resources folder), copy to (make it)

  3. If you use proxy, you need to edit and enter your proxy address+username+password, from http.proxyHost to https.proxyPort delete "#" , enter your spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password, delete "#" ,

  4. In config/agent folder, copy (agentId) to (agentId).AgentSocialConfig.json (make it) , agent ID : example "arkan"

  5. In config/agent folder, copy (agentId) to (agentId).TwitterAuthorization.jsonld (make it) , agent ID : example "arkan"

  6. click menu run choose edit configuration in working directory fill with $MODULE_DIR$ , click ok

  7. click reasoner>src>main>java>right click in HelpdeskApp choose Run

Populate the district and general_hospital tables

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. cd to your git/lumen-helpdesk folder
  3. Run psql e.g. for local development: psql -hlocalhost -Upostgres lumen_lumen_dev
  4. Inside psql, type:

\copy lumen.district (province_id, province_name, city_id, city_name, id, name, geometry) FROM 'init/kecamatan.all.csv' (FORMAT CSV, HEADER true);

\copy lumen.general_hospital (id, name, kind, location_address, location_lat, location_lon, postal_code, phone0, phone1, phone2, faximile0, faximile1, website, email, city_id, district_id, village_id, lat, lon, geometry) FROM 'init/rumahsakitumum.all.csv' (FORMAT CSV, HEADER true);


Access via http://localhost:8116/


Access via http://localhost:4040/