A plugin for deploying open-source artifacts to Maven via the Sonatype Central portal
Prerequisites: Make sure that you are running sbt 1.9.0 or higher.
file (or equivalent):addSbtPlugin("com.lumidion" % "sbt-sonatype-central" % "0.1.0") //For deploying your lib to Sonatype Central
addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-pgp" % "2.2.1") //For signing the lib before it is deployed
addSbtPlugin("com.github.sbt" % "sbt-git" % "2.0.1") //For adding source control information to your package.
file (or equivalent):publishTo := sonatypeCentralPublishToBundle.value
Follow the guide to setting up your gpg credentials here if you have not already done so.
Generate a portal token in Sonatype Central, as illustrated in the following guide. Set the resultant username and password in your environment via the SONATYPE_USERNAME
environment variables.
Start the sbt shell by running sbt
Run publishSigned
from the sbt shell and input your gpg password when prompted.
Run either sonatypeCentralUpload
or sonatypeCentralRelease
from the sbt shell.