luminai-companion / filament

A Python API for talking with KoboldAI with request and response data manipulation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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nlp python

LuminAI filament

filament is a set of services that can be integrated into a front-end to provide special behavior specific to the LuminAI Companion.

Implemented features:


Dev requirements:

Install dependencies with poetry:

poetry env use 3.10
poetry install

After installing dependencies, you'll also need to download the spaCy language model:

poetry run spacy download en_core_web_sm

There's a .env.example file in the repo that you should copy to .env and adjust the path of AI_DATA_DIR to point at a directory where you'd like filament to store data.

To run the service:

poetry run python3

Note that the service will take a little while to start up while it downloads models from Hugging Face. By default the service runs on port 9000.

Docker image

There's also a Dockerfile if you'd like to build the service as a Docker image.

docker build . -t filament:dev
docker run -p 9000:9000 filament:dev

Note that the Docker container will take a little while to start up while it downloads models from Hugging Face.


Long-term memory semantic recall

There are three endpoints that support long-term memory. In the following, memory_book_id is assumed to be a guid or something similarly unique per memory book.

This endpoint accepts a json object like {"memory_book": {...}} where the ... is the same shape json as your memory book exports an agn-ai memory book export. Currently this endpoint is synchronous and may take a few seconds to embed the memories depending on the size of the memory book (on an M1 MacBook Air, on the order of 5 seconds for 300 memories).

Returns 200 if the book is embedded, 404 if it's not. This will really only matter when embedding becomes asynchronous, for the purposes of testing if a memory book has been embedded before attempting recall.

This endpoint accepts a json object like {"prompts": [...], "num_memories_per_sentence": 3}. prompts is an array of strings of however many lines of prompt context you want to feed in. These lines will be broken up into sentences and for each sentence the service will try and retrieve num_memories_per_sentence memories from the specified memory book. Retrieved memories will be deduplicated and returned in sorted order with most relevant memories first. The endpoint returns a json array of objects containing the following fields:

Retrieval is fast: an M1 MacBook Air can retrieve and sort 300 memories for a single prompt line in less than 100 ms.