lun3x / WebTech

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My Cupboard

Web Technologies COMS32500 \ University of Bristol

Unit Webpage

You can visit the production website at


@ahmerb - Ahmer Butt \ @lun3x - Louis Wyborn

Setup & Usage


Install mysql using brew and setup a user root and password pass. If installed with brew, you might need to run

$ brew services start mysql

Now, login with

$ mysql -u root -ppass

Create a new database mydb2.

mysql> create database mydb2;
mysql> \q

Run all migrations.

$ npx db-migrate up -v

Now, seed the database with the following. If prompted for password, enter pass.

mysql -u root -p mydb2 < seed.sql


We use redis for session storage. Install redis with Homebrew.

Run the application using Heroku (reccomended)

Make sure Herkou-cli is installed. This can be done easily on mac using brew

$ brew install heroku

To launch mysql server:

$ mysql.server start

To launch the server, execute

$ npm install
$ heroku local

To compile and bundle frontend in development mode instead:

$ cd frontend && npm install && npm run devbuild && cd ..

Then, navigate to https://localhost:PORT in the browser, where PORT is the port given in the console output. Or, see redirection in action, navigate to http://localhost:8080.

Run the application using Node

To launch mysql server:

$ mysql.server start

To launch redis (for session storage)

$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

To run the server:

$ npm install && npm start

To compile and bundle frontend in development mode instead:

$ cd frontend && npm install && npm run devbuild && cd ..


Html is delivered as application/xhtml+xml or text/html by setting the Content-Type header, depending on what the client browser includes in the request Accepts header.

Xhr resources are delivered as application/json.

HTTP Verbs and Statuses

We use the following conventions.

HTTP Verbs

GET - Get home page or read resource.

PUT - Update/replace/modify a resource.

POST - Create a new resource.

DELETE - Delete a resource.

HTTP Statuses

200 - On successful GET or PUT, including when there is no content.

201 - On successful POST.

401 - Trying to access resource when not logged in.

403 - User accessing resource they do not have permissions for.

404 - Resource not found.

409 - Conflict on POST (e.g. resource already exists).

422 - Semantic/syntactic failure trying to process request parameters or body.

For Developers


To add a new migration, cd into site and run:

npx db-migrate create addSomethingNew

The documentation for db-migrate is found here.


Deployment with Heroku.

Redis-heroku setup on free tier. JawsDb for heroku set up on free tier (mysql).

In Procfile, release command is run after any release/build/change config vars etc. It runs database migrations. It also triggeres npm run postinstall, which is setup to cd into

In Procfile, web command is run to start server etc.

To seed the production db with initial ingredients, the following command was used:

$ mysql -h HOST -u USER -pPASS DB < seed.sql

Create new seed files, do a release to run migrations, then run the new seed file, to add more seeds to the db.

See database.json for connection details for prod database.