If you are using Eclipse, go to Preferences/Maven/User Settings. Then click in Open File to open the user's settings.xml file.
I you want this file could be found at ~user/.m2 directory.
In the opened file created a new profile and include the property 'lunifera.deployment.root.dir' and set a value for it that points to a created directory where the result of each repository's build will be copied.
See this example:
git clone git@github.com:lunifera/lunifera-releng.git
To be able to contribute you must fork the desired lunifera's github repository and clone from it.
cd lunifera-releng
mvn clean install
./scripts/git-all.sh pull
open a terminal in the repository root folder and type this:
mvn -P lunifera.build.p2 -Dlunifera.build.uses.remote.composite.p2
The remote composite.p2 is the default, so the property 'lunifera.build.uses.remote.composite.p2' can be omited.
mvn -P lunifera.build.p2
mvn -P lunifera.build.p2 -Dlunifera.build.uses.remote.composite.p2 -Dlunifera.deploy.to.local.composite.p2
mvn -P lunifera.build.p2 -Dlunifera.build.uses.local.composite.p2 -Dlunifera.deploy.to.local.composite.p2
mvn -P lunifera.build.p2 -Dlunifera.build.uses.local.composite.p2 -Dlunifera.build.uses.remote.composite.p2 -Dlunifera.deploy.to.local.composite.p2