luswepo442 / IT-Cyber-Security-Projects

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Cybersecurity Track Projects Documentation

Welcome to my repository containing documentation for various cybersecurity class projects completed as part of my learning journey. This repository hosts PDF files summarizing projects executed within controlled Cisco virtual environments.

About the Documents

The documents included here detail practical exercises and projects completed for cybersecurity training purposes. Each project was conducted within legal and ethical bounds, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


Important: These materials are for educational purposes only. No unlawful activities were conducted during the execution of these projects.

Project List

Project 1: Understanding and Mitigating SQL Injection Attacks

This project focused on conducting a lab exercise on SQL Injection (SQLi) attacks, specifically emphasizing password bypass attacks. SQL Injection involves manipulating a web application's input fields to execute unauthorized SQL commands.

Tools Used:


Project 2: Remote Shell Extracting Data

This project delved into social engineering and remote shell exploitation, focusing on embedding a remote shell malware into a program and executing it via social engineering tactics.

Tools Used:



Feel free to browse through the documentation to gain insights into these cybersecurity projects. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Legal Notice

While these projects were conducted in a controlled environment for educational purposes, ensure that you adhere to all legal and ethical guidelines when conducting cybersecurity activities.