lutteropp / hakmer-ng-redesign

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hakmer-ng redesign

Homology-aware k-mers.

See TODO for the preprint.


We currently provide binaries for Linux and Mac systems, which are available at the Releases Page.

Please try those first. If they do not work, you find detailed build instructions in the document.

Command Line Options

The command line options of the program are:

./hakmer-ng  [-s] [-v] [-t <number>] -r <file_path> -e <file_path> -o <file_path> [--version] [-h]


-r <file_path>, --ref <file_path>: (required) Path to the reference tree

-e <file_path>, --eval <file_path>: (required) Path to the evaluation trees

-o <file_path>, --output <file_path>: (required) Path to the output file

-s, --savemem: Consume less memory, but with the cost of increased runtime (~50% more)

-v, --verbose: Verbose mode

-t <number>, --threads <number>: Maximum number of threads to use

--version: Displays version information and exits.

-h, --help: Displays usage information and exits.