lutzzdias / travelling-salesman-problem

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Travelling Salesman Problem


The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic combinatorial optimization challenge in computer science. It revolves around determining the shortest possible route that visits a set of cities, returning to the starting point while adhering to the constraint that each city must be visited exactly once. In the realm of computational complexity, TSP is classified as an NP-hard problem, which means finding an optimal solution for large instances is a formidable task, often requiring exponential time.

In the traditional TSP, the distances between cities are symmetric, meaning the distance from city A to city B is the same as the distance from city B to city A. In contrast, the ATSP permits asymmetric distances, where the distance from city A to city B may differ from the distance in the opposite direction, from city B to city A. This asymmetry introduces an additional layer of complexity in solving the problem, making the ATSP more challenging and applicable in scenarios where one-way travel or varying transportation costs between cities are involved.

This repo will implement the ATSP following a predetermined API for relations with the outside world. It is the result of the final project from the Heuristic Methods subject in the University of Coimbra.

Commit conventions

tag: what was done (in the imperative verb tense)


feat: implement from_textio within the problem class
merge: #X from <repo/branch>

Where X is the PR number and repo/branch is the repo and branch that was merged into the current branch. such as lutzzdias/11-solution-add_moves.