Version 2.0 update Fixed Ruler baseline in artboard. Available to set Guides without any artboard. Support plugin update in Sketch.
Sketch 42.^ support
In the past few years I have designed UI with Photoshop plugin named Velositey 1.0, and it has saved a lot of time to setup the guides in manually. Since I transfered to use Sketch I can't find similar plugin for it. So last week I decided to build my own plugin, and now I presend you my first Sketch Plugin.
Add guide in side, vertical and horizontal direction, also can remove all guides.
Just press to lauch Interface Control Tool : Shift + Ctrl + V
Support intuition interface don't need to use hot-key anymore, that you can just click to use!
Sketch Guides.sketchplugin
or put in sketch plugin folder.Feel free to contact me for any suggestions.