luxonis / depthai-experiments

Experimental projects we've done with DepthAI.
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Unable to install on Windows 10 #449

Closed rexn8r closed 1 year ago

rexn8r commented 1 year ago


I have been trying to install following depthai version on Windows 10 but it throws CMAKE errors.

python -m pip install -U --prefer-binary --user --extra-index-url ""

I followed manual installation steps provided on the following link on a fresh windows 10 system;

I also added C:\Program Files\CMake\Bin folder in the "Path" section in the environment variables.


The reason to install version is that I am trying to implement -90 degree camera rotation.

please help to solve the problem

thanks rex

Erol444 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rexn8r , Which demo requires you to use the custom 2.15.4 branch/build? Thanks, Erik

rexn8r commented 1 year ago

Hi @Erol444

I am using oak-d camera with -90 degree rotation for age and gender

This PR was provided by @szabi-luxonis

If I use the latest 2.19 release, the age and gender inferences are wrong with -90 degree rotation.

I am trying to install this PR on windows 10 but getting "failed building wheel" error despite installing CMake library, adding CMake path in the environment variables, and also installing c++ for CMake via visual studio build tools set up.

Do i need to install visual studio build tools first and then execute manual depthai installation commands in the windows powershell?


rexn8r commented 1 year ago

Ok so found solution.

Installed Python 3.8

Installed CMake 3.21.2

Installed Visual Studio build tools 2017

now I can install depthai

The reason I am using 2.15 dev pr is that, With depthai latest 2.19 release, if I rotate the camera to -90 degrees, the Z value coming out wrong.


monoLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera) monoLeft.setResolution(dai.MonoCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_400_P) monoLeft.setBoardSocket(dai.CameraBoardSocket.LEFT)

monoRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.MonoCamera) monoRight.setResolution(dai.MonoCameraProperties.SensorResolution.THE_400_P) monoRight.setBoardSocket(dai.CameraBoardSocket.RIGHT)

stereo = pipeline.create(dai.node.StereoDepth) stereo.setDefaultProfilePreset(dai.node.StereoDepth.PresetMode.HIGH_DENSITY) stereo.setLeftRightCheck(True) stereo.setDepthAlign(dai.CameraBoardSocket.RGB) stereo.setOutputSize(monoLeft.getResolutionWidth(), monoLeft.getResolutionHeight()) stereo.setExtendedDisparity(True) stereo.setSubpixel(False)

manipLeft = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageManip) rrL = dai.RotatedRect(), = monoLeft.getResolutionWidth() // 2, monoLeft.getResolutionHeight() // 2 rrL.size.width, rrL.size.height = monoLeft.getResolutionHeight(), monoLeft.getResolutionWidth() rrL.angle = -90 manipLeft.initialConfig.setCropRotatedRect(rrL, False) manipLeft.inputConfig.setWaitForMessage(False)

manipRight = pipeline.create(dai.node.ImageManip) rrL = dai.RotatedRect(), = monoRight.getResolutionWidth() // 2, monoRight.getResolutionHeight() // 2 rrL.size.width, rrL.size.height = monoRight.getResolutionHeight(), monoRight.getResolutionWidth() rrL.angle = -90 manipRight.initialConfig.setCropRotatedRect(rrL, False) manipRight.inputConfig.setWaitForMessage(False)

thanks rex

rexn8r commented 1 year ago


any thoughts on -90 degree rotation not working with 2.19??


Erol444 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rexn8r ,

the Z value coming out wrong.

Could you provide screenshots that would showcase this, like szabi did in the comments? Thanks, Erik

rexn8r commented 1 year ago

hello @Erol444

please check following screenshots. the script is using depthai version

IMG_20230203_113044 IMG_20230203_113106 IMG_20230203_113150

As you can see, the Z value comes out similar whether i am closer to the camera or far away.


SzabolcsGergely commented 1 year ago

@rexn8r at the moment rotated frames are not supported, but we are planning to add support to latest depthai version. For now you need to use that specific depthai version for your use case.

rexn8r commented 1 year ago

Ok thanks