luxonis / depthai-ros

Official ROS Driver for DepthAI Sensors.
MIT License
239 stars 173 forks source link

Added shebang so it's executable #316

Closed mattwilliamson closed 1 year ago

mattwilliamson commented 1 year ago

Otherwise I see the following:

$ roslaunch depthai_examples stereo_inertial_node.launch enableMarkerPublish:=true
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [10394]
started core service [/rosout]
process[oak_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [10402]
process[stereo_inertial_publisher-3]: started with pid [10403]
process[nodelet_manager-4]: started with pid [10404]
process[depth_image_convertion_nodelet-5]: started with pid [10405]
process[depth_image_to_rgb_pointcloud-6]: started with pid [10412]
RLException: Unable to launch [markerPublisher-7]. 
If it is a script, you may be missing a '#!' declaration at the top.
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
[ INFO] [1684420379.807510553]: Initializing nodelet with 16 worker threads.
 nnPath ,, /opt/ros/noetic/share/depthai_examples/resources/yolov4_tiny_coco_416x416_openvino_2021.4_6shave_bgr.blob
1280 720 1280 720
[markerPublisher-7] killing on exit
[depth_image_to_rgb_pointcloud-6] killing on exit
[depth_image_convertion_nodelet-5] killing on exit
[nodelet_manager-4] killing on exit
[stereo_inertial_publisher-3] killing on exit
[oak_state_publisher-2] killing on exit

This bit:

RLException: Unable to launch [markerPublisher-7]. 
If it is a script, you may be missing a '#!' declaration at the top.
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file
Serafadam commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the PR!