luxonis / depthai-ros

Official ROS Driver for DepthAI Sensors.
MIT License
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Got a particular warning and 3D map didn't show up when trying to launch the with low_bandwidth parameter is set to be true #529

Closed Jenanaputra closed 4 months ago

Jenanaputra commented 4 months ago

I want to launch the file with the low_bandwidth configuration set to true, so that when the 3D map is being generated, it is not laggy.

But I got this warning : [component_container-1] [194430103155211300] [] [9.068] [VideoEncoder(10)] [warning] Arrived frame type (14) is not either NV12 or YUV400p (8-bit Gray)

I am using ROS2 Humble in ubuntu 22.04. I installed the depthai-ros by cloning it from the repository.

Additionally, I also put some information here :

Package: ros-humble-depthai-ros Version: 2.9.0-1jammy.20240415.142635 Priority: optional Section: misc Maintainer: sachin Installed-Size: 43.0 kB Depends: ros-humble-depthai, ros-humble-depthai-bridge, ros-humble-depthai-descriptions, ros-humble-depthai-examples, ros-humble-depthai-filters, ros-humble-depthai-ros-driver, ros-humble-depthai-ros-msgs, ros-humble-ros-workspace Download-Size: 6,292 B APT-Sources: jammy/main amd64 Packages Description: The depthai-ros package

Package: ros-humble-depthai-bridge Version: 2.9.0-1jammy.20240327.160327 Priority: optional Section: misc Maintainer: Sachin Guruswamy Installed-Size: 475 kB Depends: libc6 (>= 2.32), libgcc-s1 (>= 3.3.1), libopencv-calib3d4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg), libopencv-core4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg), libopencv-imgcodecs4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg), libopencv-imgproc4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg), libstdc++6 (>= 11), libboost-dev, libopencv-dev, ros-humble-camera-info-manager, ros-humble-composition-interfaces, ros-humble-cv-bridge, ros-humble-depthai, ros-humble-depthai-ros-msgs, ros-humble-image-transport, ros-humble-rclcpp, ros-humble-robot-state-publisher, ros-humble-ros-environment, ros-humble-sensor-msgs, ros-humble-std-msgs, ros-humble-stereo-msgs, ros-humble-tf2, ros-humble-tf2-geometry-msgs, ros-humble-tf2-ros, ros-humble-vision-msgs, ros-humble-xacro, ros-humble-ros-workspace Download-Size: 129 kB APT-Sources: jammy/main amd64 Packages Description: The depthai_bridge package

Package: ros-humble-depthai-ros-msgs Version: 2.9.0-1jammy.20240217.075403 Priority: optional Section: misc Maintainer: Sachin Guruswamy Installed-Size: 1,723 kB Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14), libgcc-s1 (>= 3.3.1), libpython3.10 (>= 3.10.0), libstdc++6 (>= 11), ros-humble-fastcdr, ros-humble-builtin-interfaces, ros-humble-geometry-msgs, ros-humble-rclcpp, ros-humble-rosidl-default-generators, ros-humble-sensor-msgs, ros-humble-std-msgs, ros-humble-vision-msgs, ros-humble-ros-workspace Download-Size: 129 kB APT-Manual-Installed: no APT-Sources: jammy/main amd64 Packages Description: Package to keep interface independent of the driver

Package: ros-humble-depthai-ros-driver Version: 2.9.0-1jammy.20240415.141623 Priority: optional Section: misc Maintainer: Adam Serafin Installed-Size: 2,811 kB Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34), libconsole-bridge1.0 (>= 1.0.1+dfsg2), libgcc-s1 (>= 3.3.1), libopencv-core4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg), libopencv-imgproc4.5d (>= 4.5.4+dfsg), libstdc++6 (>= 12), libtinyxml2-9 (>= 8.0.0), ros-humble-ament-cmake-auto, ros-humble-camera-calibration, ros-humble-cv-bridge, ros-humble-depthai, ros-humble-depthai-bridge, ros-humble-depthai-descriptions, ros-humble-depthai-examples, ros-humble-depthai-ros-msgs, ros-humble-diagnostic-msgs, ros-humble-diagnostic-updater, ros-humble-image-pipeline, ros-humble-image-transport, ros-humble-image-transport-plugins, ros-humble-pluginlib, ros-humble-rclcpp, ros-humble-rclcpp-components, ros-humble-sensor-msgs, ros-humble-std-msgs, ros-humble-std-srvs, ros-humble-vision-msgs, ros-humble-ros-workspace Download-Size: 621 kB APT-Sources: jammy/main amd64 Packages Description: Depthai ROS Monolithic node.

- The log when `` is launched :

- The pipeline graph:
Serafadam commented 4 months ago

Hi, it seems that you have subpixel mode enabled (which sadly is not supported together with VideoEncoder). Could you share your parameters file?

Jenanaputra commented 4 months ago

@Serafadam Hii !! I looked again at my rgbd.yaml file, and you are absolutely right! . Thei_subpixel parameter is enabled. As that parameter is enabled, it means that I need to make it to be disable , right ? For additional information, I also share you my rgbd.yaml file :

      i_nn_type: none
      i_subpixel: true

The camera.yaml :

      i_enable_imu: true
      i_enable_ir: true
      i_nn_type: spatial
      i_pipeline_type: RGBD
      i_nn_config_path: depthai_ros_driver/mobilenet

and the low_bandwidth.yaml file :

      i_low_bandwidth: true
      i_low_bandwidth: true
      i_low_bandwidth: true
      i_low_bandwidth: true
Serafadam commented 4 months ago

Hi, yes, as per documentation, unfortunately subpixel cannot be currently used with VideoEncoder.

Jenanaputra commented 4 months ago

Thanks! It works right now