luxonis / depthai-ros

Official ROS Driver for DepthAI Sensors.
MIT License
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Change in imu acc and gyro frequency in camera.yaml is not reflected when launching the node(OAKD-LITE) #625

Open varunns opened 2 weeks ago

varunns commented 2 weeks ago


Thank you for providing and maintaining this package. I am running the I have enabled the publishing the next image in the same. I have also changed my IMU frequency and test for both 200 and 400 Hz. When I try to run a ORBSLAM3 with a recorded bag i get an error saying there is a time jump. When I plot the timestamps I see that at regualr frequency there is a jump in time stamps.

So I try to calculate the frequency from the bag file. I noticed that the frequency is always between 90 and 100 hz inspite of the fact that the camera.yaml specifies differently.

Could anyone please suggest what I can do to over come this or point me a right direction. Thank you very much for your time.

Thank you, Varun

Serafadam commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, IMU frequency can be influenced by the "heaviness" of pipeline that is running (as well as speed of USB/PoE interface). You can try reducing resolution of individual cameras, disable publishing on given sensors or try using low bandwidth mode on them to improve performance, you can also try experimenting with different batch report settings to obtain better results.