RottenTomatoes Box Office Demo
This is an Android demo application for displaying the latest box office movies using the RottenTomatoes API. See the RottenTomatoes Networking Tutorial on our cliffnotes for a step-by-step tutorial.
Time spent: 15 hours spent in total
Completed user stories:
- [x] Required: User can view a list of latest box office movies including title, cast and tomatoes rating
- [x] Required: User can click on a movie in the list to bring up a details page with additional information such as synopsis
- [x] Optional: Use of pods: AFNetworking & MBProgressHUD
- [x] Optional: User can pull to refresh the movie list.
- [x] Optional: Customize the navigation bar.
- [x] Optional: Add a tab bar for Box Office and DVD
- [x] Must use Cocoapods: AFNetworking
- [x] Optional: All images fade in (temporal Image)
- [x] Optional: User sees error message when there's a networking error.
- I was able to add the network label, but you need to turn off Network in order to see it.
Walkthroug of all user stories:
![Video Walkthrough] (rottentomatoes.gif)