This package implements the Bold Smart Lock API to authenticate and unlock a Bold smart lock. Usage of this API requires a Bold Connect.
To install dependencies during development run pip install .
from the project directory.
Optionally use the included VSCode Dev Container to get a preconfigured envirionment.
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from bold_smart_lock.auth import AbstractAuth
from bold_smart_lock.bold_smart_lock import BoldSmartLock
class TestAuth(AbstractAuth):
async def async_get_access_token(self) -> str:
return "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" # Obtain an access token with oAuth2 and specify it here
async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
auth = TestAuth(session)
bold = BoldSmartLock(auth)
# Get the devices and device permissions
get_device_permissions_response = await bold.get_device_permissions()
# Activate the smart lock by device id
remote_activation_response = await bold.remote_activation(12345)
# Deactivate the smart lock by device id
remote_deactivation_response = await bold.remote_deactivation(12345)