lwz7512 / gatsby-netlify-identity-starter

a gatsby static site generator with netlify identity control...
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Gatsby Netlify Identity Starter

Note: This starter is based on the Gatsby + Netlify CMS Starter.

But: Remove the gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms and netlify-cms dependencies to disable auto forward to admin,

And, added the netlify-identity-widget to perform signup/login/logout.

Demo, is in HERE



Deployment Prerequisites

Getting Started (Recommended)

Use the button below to build and deploy your own copy of the repository:

Deploy to Netlify

After clicking that button, you’ll authenticate with GitHub and choose a repository name. Netlify will then automatically create a repository in your GitHub account with a copy of the files from the template. Next, it will build and deploy the new site on Netlify, bringing you to the site dashboard when the build is complete. Next, you’ll need to set up Netlify’s Identity service to authorize users to log in to the CMS.

Develop Locally

$ git clone https://github.com/[GITHUB_USERNAME]/[REPO_NAME].git
$ cd [REPO_NAME]
$ yarn
$ yarn develop

To test the CMS locally, you'll need run a production build of the site:

$ npm run build
$ npm run serve

after new .md page added, or modified, commit and push your local changes to remote git repository, then, netlify will automatically rebuild and publish the site.


FIRST local $ yarn build to detect error, THEN commit and push...

Getting Started (Without Netlify)

$ gatsby new [SITE_DIRECTORY_NAME] https://github.com/lwz7512/gatsby-netlify-identity-starter/
$ npm run build
$ npm run serve

Still feel complex?

try this Netlify identity widget demo app