lxchurbakov / p2p

Lightweight Node.js P2P library
37 stars 14 forks source link
js node nodejs p2p p2p-node


Lightweight library that will let you create a p2p network with ease.


const createp2pnode = require('@swensson/p2p');

const node = createp2pnode();

// Start listening to connections
node.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log('Listening to connections...');

// Connect to other nodes
node.connect(IP, PORT, () => {
  console.log('Connected to some other node.');

// Send message to everyone
// data can be anything that
// you can JSON.stringify

// Send message to specific node
// data can be anything that
// you can JSON.stringify
node.direct(recipientId, data);

// Some other node has connected to
// us (neighbor)
node.on('connect', ({ nodeId }) => {
  console.log('Node', nodeId, 'has connected');

// Neighbor has disconnected
node.on('disconnect', ({ nodeId }) => {
  console.log('Node', nodeId, 'has disconnected');

// Some message has been broadcasted somewhere
// on the network and has reached us
node.on('broadcast', ({ origin, message }) => {
  console.log('Message', message, 'has been broadcasted from', origin);

// Some message has been sent to us
node.on('direct', ({ origin, message }) => {
  console.log('Message', message, 'has been directly send to us from', origin);

// Shut down node
node.close(() => {
  console.log('Node is down');



Run chat application with node examples/chat PORT. If you want to test it locally, run several instances of the chat and connect them using connect IP:PORT to any other instances, creating a p2p network. Send a message simply typing anything in the console.


See more about torrent application here.


There is an article about this repo.