lyn1874 / memAE

unofficial implementation of paper Memorizing Normality to Detect Anomaly: Memory-augmented Deep Autoencoder (MemAE) for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
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anomaly-detection machine-learning


This is an unofficial implementation of paper "Memorizing Normality to Detect Anomaly: Memory-augmented Deep Autoencoder (MemAE) for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection".

Majority of the code are based on the original repo

Dataset Paper This implementation
UCSDped2 94.1 94.0
Avenue 83.3 81.0


Prepare dataset dataset datapath
dataset: Avenue, UCSDped2
datapath: the path that you want to save the data, i.e., /project/anomaly_data/

Train the model

./ dataset datapath expdir
dataset: Avenue, UCSDped2 
datapath: the path that you want to save the data, i.e., /project/anomaly_data/
expdir: the path that you want to save the checkpoint

Evaluate the model

./ dataset, datapath, version, ckpt, expdir
dataset: Avenue, UCSDped2
datapath: the path that you saved the data
version: experiment version
ckpt: the checkpoint step
expdir: the path that you saved the model checkpoint

If your Avenue dataset is saved under /project/anomaly_data/Avenue/frames/testing/...., run ./ Avenue /project/anomaly_data/ 0 40 ckpt/ to get the reported performance