lynaghk / vomnibus

Assortment of useful geographic data, color schemes, &c.
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How do i reach color-brewer from cljs? #2

Open silcindex opened 11 years ago

silcindex commented 11 years ago

I've added [com.keminglabs/vomnibus "0.3.2"] to my project.clj.

I now want to use it from clojurescript, reasonably by just adding

(:require [vomnibus.color-brewer :as brew])

in the ns-scope, but apparently that doesn't work right out of the box because of the cljx-thing. How do I use the cljx-files with clojurescript? It would be great to have a short note of this in the readme.

Thanks for the great work!

lynaghk commented 11 years ago

Can you be more specific when you say that it doesn't work right?

I just tested referencing a color brewer color from ClojureScript by adding the vomnibus declaration to the project.clj and putting (:require [vomnibus.color-brewer :as brew]) in the namespace declaration, and it worked fine.