lynaghk / vomnibus

Assortment of useful geographic data, color schemes, &c.
8 stars 5 forks source link
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Vomnibus is an assortment of handy data for making information graphics in Clojure and ClojureScript. Add it to your Leiningen project.clj:

[com.keminglabs/vomnibus "0.3.2"]

and just :require or :use whatever you need.

states, map of state name to geoJSON shape, e.g.;

{"Arizona" {:type "Feature", :id "04", :properties {:name "Arizona"}, :geometry {:type "Polygon", :coordinates [[[-109.042503 37.000263] [-109.04798 ...

counties, list of all counties in geoJSON shape. Note, don't try running this one through Google Closure; it takes impossibly long to process.

countries map of country name to geoJSON shape


Cynthia Brewer's color schemes by name, e.g.;

(def OrRd-3 ["rgb(254,232,200)" "rgb(253,187,132)" "rgb(227,74,51)"])

For full list of colors, see Colorbrewer


flare and flare-imports data used in D3 & ProtoVis examples


Categorical color schemes: Categorical-10, Categorical-20, Categorical-20b, Categorical-20c.



Colorbrewer schemes under Apache 2.0.

United States state and county outlines

Taken from D3.js, which is under MIT; Copyright (c) 2012, Michael Bostock, All rights reserved. See this commit in D3 for methodology.


0.3.0 Incorporate CLJX; full ClojureScript support


What's with the name?

"Omnibus" since it's an assortment of items. The "V" is for "visualization".

Shouldn't the picture be a bus?

Whatever, this hot air balloon looks rad. Props to Joan Stark.