lynxthecat / adblock-lean

Lean and powerful adblocking solution for OpenWrt
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adblock adguard ads blacklist blocklist dns domains fake filterlist hosts malware metrics phishing privacy scam telemetry tracking

⚔ adblock-lean

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adblock-lean is a super simple and lightweight adblocking solution that leverages the major rewrite of the DNS server and domain handling code associated with dnsmasq 2.86 that drastically improves performance and reduces memory foot-print, facilitating the use of very large blocklists for even older, low performance devices.

adblock-lean was originally designed primarily for use with the dnsmasq variants of the popular hagezi and oisd blocklists used by major adblockers and which are intended to block ads without interfering with normal use.

adblock-lean is written as a service and 'service adblock-lean start' will download and setup dnsmasq with a new blocklist file. Various checks are performed and, in dependence upon the outcome of those checks, the script will either: accept the new blocklist file; fallback to a previous blocklist file if available; or restart dnsmasq with no blocklist file.

adblock-lean includes, inter alia, the following features:

Installation on OpenWrt

adblock-lean is written as a service script and is designed to run on a base OpenWrt installation without any dependencies.

Example installation steps:

wget -O /etc/init.d/adblock-lean
chmod +x /etc/init.d/adblock-lean
service adblock-lean gen_config # generates default config in /root/adblock-lean/config
vi /root/adblock-lean/config # modify default config as required
uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].addnmount='/bin/busybox' && uci commit # to enable use of compressed blocklist
service adblock-lean enable

Whilst adblock-lean does not require any dependencies to run, its performance can be improved by installing gawk and coreutils-sort:

opkg update
opkg install gawk coreutils-sort


adblock-lean reads in a config file from /root/adblock-lean/config.

A default config can be generated using: service adblock-lean gen_config.

Each configuration option is internally documented with comments in /root/adblock-lean/config.

Variable Setting
blocklist_urls One or more blocklist URLs to download and process
allowlist_urls One or more allowlist URLs to download and process
local_allowlist_path Path to local allowlist (domain will not be blocked)
local_blocklist_path Path to local blocklist (domain will be blocked)
min_blocklist_file_part_line_count Minimum number of lines of individual downloaded blocklist part
max_blocklist_file_part_size_KB Maximum size of any individual downloaded blocklist part
max_blocklist_file_size_KB Maximim size of combined, processed blocklist
min_good_line_count Minimum number of good lines in final postprocessed blocklist
compress_blocklist Enable (1) or disable (0) blocklist compression once dnsmasq loaded
initial_dnsmasq_restart Enable (1) or disable (0) initial dnsmasq restart to free up memory
max_download_retries Maximum number of download retries for allowlist/blocklist parts
download_failed_action Governs failed download handling: 'SKIP_PARTIAL' or 'STOP'
rogue_element_action Governs rogue element handling: 'SKIP_PARTIAL', 'STOP' or 'IGNORE'
dnsmasq_test_failed_element_action Governs failed dnsmasq test handling: 'SKIP_PARTIAL' or 'STOP'
report_failure Used for performing user-defined action(s) on failure
report_successs Used for performing user-defined action(s) on success
boot_start_delay_s Start delay in seconds when service is started from system boot

For devices with low free memory, consider enabling the initial_dnsmasq_restart option to free up memory for use during the memory-intensive blocklist generation process by additionally restarting dnsmasq with no blocklist prior to the generation of the new blocklist. This option is disabled by default to prevent both the associated: dnsmasq downtime; and the temporary running of dnsmasq with no blocklist.

Config Updates

During certain upgrades, adblock-lean will require a configuration update.

A new compatible config can be generated using: service adblock-lean gen_config.

When an existing configuration is detected, the new config will be generated at /root/adblock-lean/ Users can then copy over compatible configuration settings from the old config to /root/adblock-lean/ and then rename the updated config to /root/adblock-lean/config (overwriting the old config).

service adblock-lean gen_config
# manually inspect /root/adblock-lean/config and copy over old settings to /root/adblock-lean/
mv /root/adblock-lean/ /root/adblock-lean/config

Alternatively, to start from scratch, just delete the old config and generate a new one:

rm /root/adblock-lean/config
service adblock-lean gen_config

Selection of blocklist(s) and download and processing parameters

An important factor in selecting blocklist(s) is how much free memory is available for blocklist use. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that there is sufficient free memory to prevent an out of memory situation.

The parameters described in the config section above relating to the intermediate sizes, good line count and duplicate removal should be set in dependence on the selected blocklist and available memory. These are considered self-explanatory, but if in any doubt please post on the OpenWrt thread at:

Here are some example configuration settings:

Automatically deploy blocklist on router reboot

Providing the service is enabled, the service script should automatically start on boot.

Automatically update blocklist at 5am following delay by random number of minutes

Set up the following Scheduled Task:

0 5 * * * /etc/init.d/adblock-lean enabled && export RANDOM_DELAY="1" && /etc/init.d/adblock-lean start

This tests whether the adblock-lean service is enabled and if so launches the start function, which updates to the new blocklist list.

The random delay serves to prevent a thundering herd: from an altruistic perspective, amelioerate load on the blocklist server; and from a selfish perspective, increase the prospect that the server is not loaded during the download.

User-configurable calls on success or failure

adblock-lean supports user-configurable calls on success or failure.

The following config paramters:


Are evaluated on success or failure, and the variables: ${success_msg} and ${failure_msg} can be employed in the calls.

Example below for Brevo (formerly sendinblue), but use your favourite smtp/email (or SMS) method.

Checking status of adblock-lean

The status of a running adblock-lean instance can be obtained by running:

service adblock-lean status

Example output:

root@OpenWrt-1:~# service adblock-lean status
Checking dnsmasq instance.
The dnsmasq check passed and the presently installed blocklist has good line count: 736225.
adblock-lean appears to be active.
Generating dnsmasq stats.
dnsmasq stats available for reading using 'logread'.
The locally installed adblock-lean is the latest version.

Keeping adblock-lean up-to-date

adblock-lean automatically checks for any version updates both at the end of the start and status routines.

adblock-lean can be updated to the latest version by simply running:

service adblock-lean update

Preserve service file and config across OpenWrt upgrades

Just add the files:


to the list of files to backup in the Configuration tab in LuCi here:


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