lz1oceani / pointcloud_rl

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On the Efficacy of 3D Point Cloud Reinforcement Learning

In this work, we conduct the first systematic study on the efficacy of 3D visual RL from point clouds, and compare it with well-established RL from 2D RGB/RGB-D representations. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that 3D point cloud representations are particularly beneficial on tasks where agent-object/object-object spatial relationship reasoning plays a crucial role, and achieves better sample complexity and performance than 2D image-based agents. Moreover, we carefully investigate the design choices for 3D point cloud RL agents from perspectives such as network inductive bias, representational robustness, data augmentation, and data post-processing. We hope that our study provides insights, inspiration, and guidance for future works on 3D visual RL.


First, install Mujoco by downloading https://github.com/deepmind/mujoco/releases/download/2.1.0/mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz (or https://github.com/deepmind/mujoco/releases/download/2.1.0/mujoco210-macos-x86_64.tar.gz for MacOS). After extracting the tar file, put the mujoco210 dirctory inside ~/.mujoco directory (create the directory if not exist). Then, ensure that the following line is in your ~/.bashrc file (or ~/.zshrc if you use zsh):

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/{USERNAME}/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Then, install dependencies using the following procedure:

git clone https://github.com/lz1oceani/pointcloud_rl.git
cd pointcloud_rl
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate efficacy_pointcloud_rl

cd mani_skill/
pip install -e . # installs ManiSkill
pip install sapien #install sapien

cd .. # back to pointcloud_rl
pip install -e .
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu116 torchvision==0.14.1+cu116 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116
pip install -r requirements.txt # installs DM Control and pyrl learning repo
pip uninstall torchsparse
sudo apt-get install libsparsehash-dev # brew install google-sparsehash if you use Mac OS
# before installing torchsparse, make sure the nvcc version is the same as the cuda version used when installing pytorch
pip install git+https://github.com/lz1oceani/torchsparse.git

For the pytorch installation, you can change the cudatoolkit version to comply with the CUDA version of your machine.

Experiment Running instructions

We used random seeds 1000, 2000, 3000 in our experiments. This can be altered using the --seed flag.


python ./pyrl/apis/run_rl.py config_file_path \
--work-dir {work_directory_path} \
[--seed {seed}] \
[--gpu-ids {gpu_ids...} | --num-gpus {number_of_gpus}] \
[--cfg-options ["env_cfg.env_name={environment_name}"] ["env_cfg.obs_mode={observation_mode}"]]


As an example, to run DrQ with Jitter augmentation on ManiSkill's MoveBucket_4000-v0 Environment:

python ./pyrl/apis/run_rl.py ./configs/mfrl/drq/maniskill/pn_jitter.py \
--work-dir=/path/to/workdir/ --seed 1000 --num-gpus 2 --cfg-options "env_cfg.env_name=MoveBucket_4000-v0" 

Another example of running SAC with rgbd input on the Walker Walk task of DM Control:

python ./pyrl/apis/run_rl.py ./configs/mfrl/sac/dm_control/cnn.py \
--work-dir=/path/to/workdir/ --seed 1000 --gpu-ids 0 \
--cfg-options "env_cfg.env_name=dmc_walker_walk-v0" "env_cfg.obs_mode=rgbd"

# if you encounter errors when running DM Control environments in headless mode, add "MUJOCO_GL=egl" before the command.

For the motivating example, to run DrQ with rgbd observation mode:

python ./pyrl/apis/run_rl.py ./configs/mfrl/drq/dm_control/cnn_shift_motivating.py \
--work-dir=/path/to/workdir/ --seed 1000 --gpu-ids 0 --cfg-options "env_cfg.obs_mode=rgbd"

# Since there is only one environment for our motivating example, we do not need to change the environment_name. 

Tips for running DM Control in headless mode

If you encounter errors when running DM Control environments in headless mode, try the following:

export MUJOCO_GL=egl python {command} #or MUJOCO_GL=osmesa

More Repo Details

Tasks / Environments

DM Control environment names follow this format: dmc_{domain_name}_{task_name}-v0. We support all DM Control environments. Specifically,

ManiSkill environment names follow this format: {task_name}_[{obj_number} | train]-v0. The environments used in our experiments are:

Algorithms and Networks

Location of algorithm implementations:

Location of network implementations:

Config files

Config files are located in the configs/mfrl directory, and are divided by algorithms (sac, drq) and environment domains (dmc or maniskill). Names of config file follow the format network_type[_augmentation].py. The network_type can be cnn for CNN, pn for PointNet, and sparse_conv for SparseConvNet. For DrQ configuration files, the [augmentation] can be shift, rot, jitter, colorjitter, ordropout. PointNet can use all augmentations, while CNN can only use the shift augmentation.

If a configuration file contains the suffix motivating, they are for the motivating example we provided in our experiments and does not belong to the DM Control environments.

For example, the configuration file for running SAC on the walker_walk environment with rgb or rgbd observation mode is ./configs/mfrl/sac/dm_control/cnn.py. The configuration file for running DrQ on the MoveBucket_4000-v0 environment with point cloud observation mode and jitter augmentation is ./configs/mfrl/drq/maniskill/pn_jitter.py.


Please cite our paper if you find our idea helpful. Thanks a lot!

  title={On the Efficacy of 3D Point Cloud Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Ling, Zhan and Yao, Yunchao and Li, Xuanlin and Su, Hao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.06799},


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.