lzx1413 / PytorchSSD

pytorch version of SSD and it's enhanced methods such as RFBSSD,FSSD and RefineDet
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fssd pytorch refinedet rfb ssd

Pytorch SSD Series

Pytorch 4.1 is suppoted on branch 0.4 now.

Support Arc:

VOC2007 Test

System mAP FPS (Titan X Maxwell)
Faster R-CNN (VGG16) 73.2 7
YOLOv2 (Darknet-19) 78.6 40
R-FCN (ResNet-101) 80.5 9
SSD300* (VGG16) 77.2 46
SSD512* (VGG16) 79.8 19
RFBNet300 (VGG16) 80.5 83
RFBNet512 (VGG16) 82.2 38
SSD300 (VGG) 77.8 150 (1080Ti)
FSSD300 (VGG) 78.8 120 (1080Ti)


System test-dev mAP Time (Titan X Maxwell)
Faster R-CNN++ (ResNet-101) 34.9 3.36s
YOLOv2 (Darknet-19) 21.6 25ms
SSD300* (VGG16) 25.1 22ms
SSD512* (VGG16) 28.8 53ms
RetinaNet500 (ResNet-101-FPN) 34.4 90ms
RFBNet300 (VGG16) 29.9 15ms*
RFBNet512 (VGG16) 33.8 30ms*
RFBNet512-E (VGG16) 34.4 33ms*
SSD512 (HarDNet68) 31.7 TBD (12.9ms**)
SSD512 (HarDNet85) 35.1 TBD (15.9ms**)
RFBNet512 (HarDNet68) 33.9 TBD (16.7ms**)
RFBNet512 (HarDNet85) 36.8 TBD (19.3ms**)

Note: * The speed here is tested on the newest pytorch and cudnn version (0.2.0 and cudnnV6), which is obviously faster than the speed reported in the paper (using pytorch-0.1.12 and cudnnV5).

Note: ** HarDNet results are measured on Titan V with pytorch 1.0.1 for detection only (NMS is NOT included, which is 13~18ms in general cases). For reference, the measurement of SSD-vgg on the same environment is 15.7ms (also detection only).


System COCO minival mAP #parameters
SSD MobileNet 19.3 6.8M
RFB MobileNet 20.7* 7.4M

*: slightly better than the original ones in the paper (20.5).


  1. Installation
  2. Datasets
  3. Training
  4. Evaluation
  5. Models


'nvcc': ['-arch=sm_52',


To make things easy, we provide simple VOC and COCO dataset loader that inherits torch.utils.data.Dataset making it fully compatible with the torchvision.datasets API.

VOC Dataset

Download VOC2007 trainval & test
# specify a directory for dataset to be downloaded into, else default is ~/data/
sh data/scripts/VOC2007.sh # <directory>
Download VOC2012 trainval
# specify a directory for dataset to be downloaded into, else default is ~/data/
sh data/scripts/VOC2012.sh # <directory>

COCO Dataset

Install the MS COCO dataset at /path/to/coco from official website, default is ~/data/COCO. Following the instructions to prepare minival2014 and valminusminival2014 annotations. All label files (.json) should be under the COCO/annotations/ folder. It should have this basic structure


UPDATE: The current COCO dataset has released new train2017 and val2017 sets which are just new splits of the same image sets.



The test frequency can be found in the train_test.py By default, it will directly output the mAP results on VOC2007 test or COCO minival2014. For VOC2012 test and COCO test-dev results, you can manually change the datasets in the test_RFB.py file, then save the detection results and submitted to the server.


Update (Sep 29, 2019)