m-barnas / ice-hockey-manager

Manage your favorite hockey team!
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Manage your favorite hockey team!



It is needed to authenticate yourself before any requests which changes data on the server (except basic registration).


To register martin@m.com with password 123456

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "password":"123456"}' http://localhost:8080/pa165/rest/register
Authentication OAuth2
  1. Get your client id and client secret:

    • Client Id: rest-client
    • Client Secret: 58aa46b5-ddb1-4a29-bed9-55b9f3521280
  2. Generate Authorization header

    • Header (client id + secret in Base64):

    Authorization: Basic cmVzdC1jbGllbnQ6NThhYTQ2YjUtZGRiMS00YTI5LWJlZDktNTViOWYzNTIxMjgw

  3. Authenticate yourself as martin@m.com with password 123456

    curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic cmVzdC1jbGllbnQ6NThhYTQ2YjUtZGRiMS00YTI5LWJlZDktNTViOWYzNTIxMjgw" "http://localhost:8080/pa165/rest/oauth/token?grant_type=password&username=martin@m.com&password=123456"
  4. Get a response

    You will get access token valid for 10 minutes

      "access_token": "e1aaa981-9384-4761-b2ae-f21a316794a5",
      "token_type": "bearer",
      "refresh_token": "d40db753-2b3f-4822-bfbc-509d11a32638",
      "expires_in": 600,
      "scope": "read write trust",
      "role": "USER",
      "userId": 13
  5. Setup header before api request

    Setup authorization header before any request to the API:

    "Authorization: Bearer e1aaa981-9384-4761-b2ae-f21a316794a5"

    Then change password in postman like:

    method: POST 
    url: http://localhost:8080/pa165/rest/managers/changepassword?id=1&oldPass=test&newPass=pass
    Headers: Authorization Bearer e1aaa981-9384-4761-b2ae-f21a316794a5
  6. Refresh expired token

    • You need to get a new access token in step 3 after the old one has expired.
    • You can call step 3 again to also check the remaining time

Run the app [prod]

Please follows these steps if you run prod build after fetching the most recent changes from master:

1) mvn clean install 2) cd ice-hockey-manager-web 3) npm install 4) npm run build 5) cd .. 6) mvn install 7) cd ice-hockey-manager-web 8) mvn tomcat7:run

Rest is accessible at: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest
Frontend is accessible at: http:/localhost:8080/pa165

Later, when you made some changes only in web module and wanna check it out at prod, just run:

1) cd ice-hockey-manager-web 2) mvn clean 3) npm install 4) npm run build 5) mvn install 6) mvn tomcat7:run

This saves some time for you since only web module is cleaned and installed.

Run the app [dev]

mvn clean install && cd ice-hockey-manager-web && mvn tomcat7:run

In another terminal:

cd ice-hockey-manager-web && npm run start

Rest is accessible at: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest
Frontend is accessible at: http:/localhost:3000/pa165

REST API (all formats are JSON)


Create team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/create

method: PUT

data format: { "name":"HC Sparta test d Praha", "competitionCountry":"CZECH_REPUBLIC", "humanPlayerId":null, "budget":7000.00 }

Get all teams

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/all

method: GET

Find team by Id

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/{id}

method: GET

Get team by name

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/getByName/{name}

method: GET

Delete team by Id

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/{id}

method: DELETE

Get teams by competition country

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/getByCompetitionCountry/{competitionCountry}

method: GET

Spend money from team budget

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/spendMoneyFromBudget

method: POST

data format: { "teamId": 1, "amount": 20 }

Get price of team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/{id}/price

method: GET

Get attack power of team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/{id}/attack

method: GET

Get defense power of team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/{id}/defense

method: GET

Add hockey player to team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/addHockeyPlayer

method: POST

data format: { "teamId": 1, "hockeyPlayerId": 1 }

Remove hockey player from team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/teams/removeHockeyPlayer

method: POST

data format: { "teamId": 1, "hockeyPlayerId": 1 }

Hockey Players

Create player

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/create

method: PUT

data format: { "name":"Jaromir Jagr", "post":"RIGHT_WING", "attSkill":99, "defSkill":15, "price":100.00 }

Get all players

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/all

method: GET

Get player by team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/get-by-team/{teamId}

method: GET

Get free agents (players without a team)

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/get-free-agents

method: GET

Find player by id

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/{id}

method: GET

Get player by name

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/get-by-name/{name}

method: GET

Delete player by Id

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/{id}

method: DELETE

Get player by position

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/get-by-post/{post}

method: GET

Get player by attack skill

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/get-by-att-skill/{attSkill}

method: GET

Get player by defense skill

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/get-by-deff-skill/{defSkill}

method: GET

Get player by price

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/players/get-by-price/{price}

method: GET


Get all managers


method: GET

Find manager by Id

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/managers/{id}

method: GET

Find manager by email

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/managers/byemail?email=email

method: GET

Find manager by username

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/managers/byusername?username=username

method: GET


Create game

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/create

method: POST

data format: { "firstTeamId":1, "secondTeamId":2, "startTime":"2030-01-01T18:00:00" }

Delete game by Id

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/{id}

method: DELETE

Cancel game

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/cancel/{id}

method: PUT

Retrieve game

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/retrieve/{id}

method: PUT

Change start time

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/{id}

method: PUT

data format: { "id": null, "startTime":"2030-01-01T18:00:00" }

Find game by Id

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/{id}

method: GET

Get game by team

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/byteam?teamId={id}

method: GET

Get all games

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/all

method: GET

Get scheduled games (not played games with state OK)

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/scheduled

method: GET

Play games

URL: http:/localhost:8080/pa165/rest/games/play

method: PUT