m-barthelemy / zabbix-mongo-old

[BROKEN] Zabbix agent (3.0) native plugin for Mongodb monitoring
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[BROKEN] by design due to Zabbix agent plugins loading limitations.


Zabbix agent (3.0) native plugin for Mongodb monitoring

This plugin is an agent Loadable Module (https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/3.0/manual/config/items/loadablemodules) .

It can connect to a Mongo server, run basic queries and return a simple value usable by Zabbix server.

An XML template with a few useful example queries that you can import in your Zabbix server (Configuration -> Templates -> Import) is provided.


Note: Until there's an easier way to distribute this module as a package, an archive containing a already compiled module (x86-64) and the XML template is available [here](https://share.zabbix.com/component/mtree/dir-libraries/zabbix-loadable-modules/mongodb-monitoring-loadable-module?Itemid=)_

Build from source: has only been tested with Go 1.6. The quickest and easiest way to build the project is to use GVM.

Prepare the Go environment

Go >= 1.5 is required. But to install it we first need a working Go 1.4 compiler.

Build the project

If the build succeeds, it creates the zbx_mongo.so library, that can be loaded by the Zabbix agent.

Zabbix configuration

Copy the built zbx_mongo.so to a server having a Zabbix Agent installed, for example into /etc/zabbix/zbx_mongo.so.

Edit the Agent configuration file (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf) to tell it where are the loadable modules and which ones should be loaded:


Now restart the Zabbix Agent. In its log file, you should see the confirmation that the zbx_mongo module has been successfully loaded:

4255:20160430:201554.976 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
4255:20160430:201555.028 loaded modules: zbx_mongo.so


The module is called by defining a regular Zabbix agent item :




The Mongo URL to connect, authenticate, select the database:

Format: [mongodb://][user:pass@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...][/database][?options]

Example: mongodb://

command and query:


The path to the wanted value. If empty, the complete result will be returned as a JSON string. if the path points to something not being a simple value, the content is returned as a JSON string.

Format: /property/subproperty


If we query "{\"dbStats\": 1}", we get the following JSON object:


If we want to get the value of the dataSize property, then wanted_value will be /dataSize.

If we want a single value from an array, we can fetch it by its index : /path/to/array[0]

More examples in the zbx_mongo_template.xml file.

Complete examples

mongo.run[mongodb://, dbStats, "{\"dbStats\": 1}", /dataSize]

mongo.run[mongodb://, serverStatus, "{\"serverStatus\":1, \"repl\":0, \"metrics\":0}",/connections/totalCreated]

Roadmap / TODO