m-lab / murakami-viz

A visualization service of Murakami tests using Koa and React.
Apache License 2.0
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Murakami Viz

A visualization service of Murakami tests using Koa and React.

Murakami-Viz was developed in collaboration with US public libraries, Simmons University, and Internet2's Community Anchor program, as an accompanying service to Murakami, with support from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) in IMLS Award #LG-71-18-0110-18. The application is a Docker-based web service that provides a basic data visualization and access service for tests collected by Murakami measurement devices. Though it's initial audience and user interfaces are somewhat public library focused, Murakami-Viz can be useful for any organization as a part of their measurement initiatives.

Note: After the conclusion of the IMLS project 2021, this repository is no longer actively maintained by the M-Lab team.



Murakami-viz is composed of 2 different parts:

These parts are located here in this repository:

src/backend  # The backend components
src/common   # Common code and assets
src/frontend # The React frontend


Murakami-viz is configured via variables either specified in the environment or defined in a .env file (see env.example for an example configuration that may be edited and copied to .env).

The backend parses the following configuration variables:

MURAKAMI_VIZ_LOG_LEVEL       # Logging level (default: error)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_HOST            # The host Murakami-viz runs on (default: localhost)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_PORT            # The port to bind to (default: 3000)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_ADMIN_USERNAME  # The administrative user (default: 'admin')
MURAKAMI_VIZ_ADMIN_PASSWORD  # The administrative password
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_HOST         # Postgres database host (default: localhost)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_PORT         # Postgres port (default: 5432)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_DATABASE     # Postgres database name (default: murakami)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_USERNAME     # Postgres user (default: murakami)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_PASSWORD     # Postgres password
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_POOL_MIN     # Postgres minimum connections (default: 0)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_POOL_MAX     # Postgres max connections (default: 10)
MURAKAMI_VIZ_DB_TIMEOUT      # Postgres connection timeout (default: 0)

Additionally, we use the semi-standard NODE_ENV variable for defining test, staging, and production.



First, clone this repository and from the root of the resulting directory install Murakami-viz's dependencies:

npm install

Then, build all components:

npm run build

Create the database:

npm run db:migrations

and to optionally populate it with test data:

npm run db:seeds

And start the running processes (with necessary environment variables if not defined in .env):

npm run start

(use npm run start:dev to run in development mode)


You can deploy this tool using Docker. There is an included docker-compose.yml file that will allow you to run it in a production configuration. First, clone the repo and from this directory run docker-compose:

docker-compose up --build -d

This will build the docker container from the current repository, download the official Postgres docker image, and configure them both (the -d flag will detach from the current shell so that you can leave it running, but you can omit it in order to leave the log output attached).

If this is the first time you've run it on this system, you'll want to run the database migrations to initialize the database:

docker-compose run murakami npm run db:migrations

and then optionally seed the database with a default admin user:

docker-compose run murakami npm run db:seeds

By default, it runs on http://localhost:3000, but you can place it behind a proxy such as Nginx in order to provide TLS support and other features.

Post Install Configuration

Once installation is complete, you should proceed with configuring Murakami-Viz.

Using Murakami-Viz to Access Test Data

Documentation on using Murakami-Viz can be found in: USING-MURAKAMI-VIZ.md.


Murakami-viz is an open-source software project licensed under the Apache License v2.0 by Measurement Lab and Throneless Tech.