m-labs / misoc

The original high performance and small footprint system-on-chip based on Migen™
306 stars 86 forks source link
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        Copyright 2007-2023 / M-Labs Ltd
        Copyright 2012-2015 / Enjoy-Digital

the original high performance and small footprint SoC based on Migen

[> Features

MiSoC comes with built-in targets for a few boards. Support for other boards can easily be added as external modules.

[> License

MiSoC is released under the very permissive two-clause BSD license. Under the terms of this license, you are authorized to use MiSoC for closed-source proprietary designs. Even though we do not require you to do so, those things are awesome, so please do them if possible:

See LICENSE file for full copyright and license info.

[> Links

Web: https://m-labs.hk

Public forum: https://forum.m-labs.hk