m-rey / docscraper

scraper for doc search results. Dump all the things!
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NOTE: this is very much WIP. Use at your own risk! More Info can also be found here: https://gist.github.com/m-rey/ceedd31ed4f1d84bbd3d9ebef6d4ec41

  1. Install requirements.txt with pip or conda

  2. create an .env file in the root of this repository from the following example:

    GENEHMIGUNGEN=Verhaltenstherapie Erwachsene; Verhaltenstherapie Erwachsene, Gruppe

For other configs, search on https://dienste.kvb.de/arztsuche/app/erweiterteSuche.htm

and look for outgoing POST requests.

Try to use 'landkreise' to filter results. Don't use 'adresse' for filtering, as it doesn't filter results.

Instead, 'adresse' affects the sort order and shows nearby results first.

You can specify multiple entries, as long as they are separated by semicolons.

3. run ```scrapy crawl kvb```

4. You should now have a sqlite database called docscraper.db