m-wrzr / streamlit-searchbox

Streamlit searchbox that dynamically updates and provides a list of suggestions based on a provided function
MIT License
203 stars 26 forks source link
python searchbox streamlit-component


A streamlit custom component providing a searchbox with autocomplete.



pip install streamlit-searchbox


Create a searchbox component and pass a search_function that accepts a str searchterm. The searchbox is triggered on user input, calls the search function for new options and redraws the page via st.experimental_rerun().

You can either pass a list of arguments, e.g.

import wikipedia
from streamlit_searchbox import st_searchbox

# function with list of labels
def search_wikipedia(searchterm: str) -> List[any]:
    return wikipedia.search(searchterm) if searchterm else []

# pass search function to searchbox
selected_value = st_searchbox(

This example will call the Wikipedia Api to reload suggestions. The selected_value will be one of the items the search_wikipedia function returns, the suggestions shown in the UI components are a str representation. In case you want to provide custom text for suggestions, pass a Tuple.

def search(searchterm: str) -> List[Tuple[str, any]]:


To customize the searchbox you can pass the following arguments:

search_function: Callable[[str], List[any]]

Function that will be called on user input

placeholder: str = "Search ..."

Placeholder for empty searches shown within the component.

label: str = None

Label shown above the component.

default: any = None

Default return value in case nothing was submitted or the searchbox cleared.

default_use_searchterm: bool = False

Use the current searchterm as a default return value.

default_options: list[str] | None = None

Default options that will be shown when first clicking on the searchbox.

clear_on_submit: bool = False

Automatically clear the input after selection.

rerun_on_update: bool = True

Use st.experimental_rerun() to reload the app after user input and load new search suggestions. Disabling leads to delay in showing the proper search results.

editable_after_submit: bool = False

Do not reset the input after an option is selected but keep it editable

style_overrides: dict | None = None

See section below for more details.

style_absolute: bool = False

Will position the searchbox as an absolute element. NOTE: this will affect all searchbox instances and should either be set for all boxes or none. See #46 for inital workaround by @JoshElgar.

key: str = "searchbox"

Streamlit key for unique component identification.


An example Streamlit app can be found here


To further customize the styling of the searchbox, you can override the default styling by passing style_overrides which will be directly applied in the react components. See below for an example, for more information on the available attributes, please see styling.tsx as well as the react-select documentation.



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