m0iax / js8call_aprsmessaging_interface

A UI for sending Properly formatted APRS messages via JS8Call
13 stars 2 forks source link


A simple User Interface to send Email and SMS messages into the APRS network using JS8Call

With thanks to Jordan, KN4CRD for JS8Call - http://js8call.com

Uses unix os to send the UDP message to JS8Call, adaper from a script by Jason, KM4ACK.

Written for Raspberry Pi Debian Buster, but sould work on other unix builds. I'll make a version for windows when I casn figure out the equivilent windows command to send the message Requires Python3 but may work on older versions Install pre-requisites before running:

pip3 install psutil

Ive added a desktop shortcut file in response top some questions. Download the file to your desktop, edit the file to the correct path to where you downloaded the aprs_msgJS8Call.py app to. Double click on the .desktop file and click on execute or execute in terminal.


73 Mark