m1k1o / neko-rooms

Selfhosted collaborative browser - room management for n.eko
Apache License 2.0
399 stars 55 forks source link
borwser docker golang self-hosted virtual-browser


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Simple room management system for n.eko. Self hosted rabb.it alternative.

rooms new room n.eko

Zero-knowledge installation (with HTTPS and Traefik)

If you don't have any clue about docker and stuff but only want to have fun with friends in a shared browser, we got you covered!

wget -O neko-rooms.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m1k1o/neko-rooms/master/traefik/install
sudo bash neko-rooms.sh

How to start

If you want to use Traefik as reverse proxy, visit installation guide for traefik as reverse proxy.

Otherwise modify variables in docker-compose.yml and just run docker-compose up -d.

Download images / update

You need to pull all your images, that you want to use with neko-room. Otherwise, you might get this error: Error response from daemon: No such image: (see issue #1).

docker pull m1k1o/neko:firefox
docker pull m1k1o/neko:chromium
# etc...

If you want to update neko image, you need to pull new image and recreate all rooms, that use old image. To update neko rooms, simply run:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Enable storage

You might have encountered this error:

Mounts cannot be specified because storage is disabled or unavailable.

If you didn't specify storage yet, you can do it using this tutorial.

Use nvidia GPU

If you want to use nvidia GPU, you need to install nvidia-docker.

Change neko images to nvidia images in docker-compose.yml using envorinment variable NEKO_ROOMS_NEKO_IMAGES:


When creating new room, you need to specify to use GPU in expext settings.


For more information visit docs.
